Barnabé Akscheislian

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Barnabé Akscheislian (born June 5, 1838 in Constantinople , † May 16, 1898 ) was Bishop of the Armenian Catholic Church and headed the Iskanderiya Eparchy in Egypt .


Barnabé Akscheislian was ordained a priest in 1862 . His appointment as Bishop of Iskanderiya took place on 13 April 1886. The Patriarch of Cilicia Stephano Bedros X Azarian and the co-consecrators Bishop Moise Amberbojan CAM and Pasquale Giamgian (Bishop of Mush ) donated to him on 2 May 1886, the episcopal ordination .

Bishop Akscheislian was co-consecrator of Cyrillus Macaire as titular Archbishop of Caesarea Philippi ( Apostolic Vicar of the Coptic-Catholic Eparchy Alexandria ), Ignazio Gladès Berzi as Bishop of the Coptic-Catholic Diocese of Luxor and Joseph-Maxime Sedfaoui as Bishop of the Coptic-Catholic Diocese Minya .

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predecessor Office successor
Paul Acderian Bishop of Iskanderiya
Boghos Sabbaghian