Eparchy Iskanderiya

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Eparchy Iskanderiya
Basic data
Rite church Armenian Catholic Church
Country Egypt
Metropolitan bishopric Patriarchate of Cilicia
Diocesan bishop Krikor-Okosdinos Coussa
founding 1885
surface 2,887,517 km²
Parishes 4 (December 31, 2009 / AP2010 )
Residents 121,394,876 ( 12/31/2009 / AP2010 )
Catholics 6,500 ( 12/31/2009 / AP2010 )
proportion of 0%
Diocesan priest 1 (December 31, 2009 / AP2010 )
Catholics per priest 6,500
Religious sisters 5 (December 31, 2009 / AP2010 )
rite Armenian rite
Liturgical language Arabic
cathedral Cathedral of the Annunciation
Website http://www.armeniancatholic.org/inside.php?lang=ar&page_id=305
Cairo, Armenian Catholic Patriarchate

The eparchy Iskanderiya ( Latin Eparchia Alexandrina Armenorum ) is in Egypt and Sudan located Eparchy of the Armenian Catholic Church , based in Cairo .


The Armenian Catholics have been present in Egypt since the first half of the eighteenth century, particularly in the cities of Alexandria and Cairo. Pope Leo XIII. founded it in 1885 when he took away the jurisdiction for the Armenian Catholics in Egypt and Sudan from the Apostolic Vicariate of Egypt .



year population priest Permanent deacons Religious Parishes
Catholics Residents % Total number
Diocesan priest

Religious priest
Catholics per
Friars Religious sisters
1969 25,000 4th 4th 6,250 2
1980 2,250 3 1 2 750 2 8th 3
1990 200,000 2 1 1 100,000 1 6th 3
1999 1,287 1 1 1,287 5 3
2000 1,276 1 1 1,276 5 3
2001 1,276 1 1 1,276 5 3
2002 1,276 1 1 1,276 5 3
2003 1,276 2 2 638 5 3
2006 6,000 3 3 2,000 4th 4th
2009 6,500 1 1 6,500 5 4th

See also

Web links