Beate Hasselmann

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Beate Schmolke Hasselmann (pseudonym: Varda Hasselmann * 19th June 1946 in Brake / Unterweser ) is a New Age - author . She describes herself as " a trance - medium " and is the author of "psychology".


Beate Hasselmann grew up in northern Germany and lived in Milan from 1960 . She studied in Erlangen , Würzburg and Göttingen and received her doctorate in 1978 on King Arthur . After twelve years as a university assistant in Göttingen, she started her own business as a "trance medium".

"Soul Doctrine"

From 1983 she and her husband Frank Schmolke developed a “doctrine of the soul” based on contact with a “transpersonal entity” called “The Source”. Her husband leads her into a "waking deep trance" in which she receives answers to questions about the soul from the "source". They spread the “doctrine of the soul” in a series of books and events, also through the joint company Septana.

According to this teaching, every person has a mind, a psyche and a soul in addition to his body. The soul is eternal, at home in an astral world and emanation of the divine, but at the same time only an isolated fragment of the great "soul family". Each soul has an individual "soul pattern", which is composed of 49 " archetypes ". By means of reincarnation, you always go through the same "incarnation path" from 5 "cycles" with 7 "levels of knowledge" each.

Although Schmolke-Hasselmann wants to distance himself from esotericism , there are many set pieces from various spiritual currents in her “theory of the soul”. The image of mental archetypes goes back to some extent in the book Messages from Michael by the American science fiction author Chelsea Quinn Yarbro .

Film documentation


Under the name Beate Schmolke-Hasselmann :

  • The Arthurian verse novel from Chrestien to Froissart: zur Geschichte e. Genus (dissertation) Tübingen 1977, ISBN 3-484-52083-3
  • Chanson de Guillaume (Ed. And translation), Munich 1983, ISBN 3-7705-2159-5

Under the name Varda Hasselmann :

Web links