Treatment initiative for victim protection

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The Victim Protection Treatment Initiative (BIOS-BW) e. V. is an interdisciplinary association of German judges , public prosecutors , members of the prisons , psychiatrists , psychotherapists , psychologists , social workers , lawyers , scientists and journalists who are primarily committed to preventive victim protection by supplementing the services available in prison to treat dangerous violent and sexual offenders begins. As of December 31, 2015, the association had 132 members.


The initiative is based on the knowledge that sufficient protection against dangerous violent and sexual offenders cannot be achieved solely through increasingly strict judicial detention and sanctioning practice, but that further measures are required. Above all, this includes the treatment of the personality disorder that is usually present in such perpetrators , as successful treatment can significantly reduce the risk of relapse .

In 2008, the initiative submitted a memorandum to the Federal Ministry of Justice to improve preventive victim protection. Based on Swiss law, in addition to the obligation to comprehensively assess violent and sexual offenders during the main court hearing with regard to their dangerousness and treatability, this also provides for the possibility of the judge ordering therapeutic measures, for example by creating a new measure Therapeutic measures. The right-wing politicians of the CDU / CSU and the FDP presented a key point paper on this. On March 17, 2010, a public hearing took place in the Reichstag in Berlin, with the FDP being open to the suggestions made by BIOS. With Section 246a, Paragraph 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which came into force on September 1, 2013, a partial claim from the BIOS memorandum could be implemented. According to this provision, a prior assessment of pedophile offenders in the main hearing in cases of offenses against minors is required.


Forensic Ambulance Karlsruhe / Baden (FAB)

With the Karlsruhe-based Forensic Ambulance Karlsruhe / Baden (FAB), the association maintains the largest therapeutic aftercare facility in this form in Germany, in which therapists are available by telephone and in person to clarify questions about the psychotherapeutic treatability of offenders and the possibility of financing therapies stand. The doctors and therapists in Karlsruhe and in the currently ten other treatment centers in Mannheim, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Pforzheim, Bruchsal, Lörrach, Offenburg, Mosbach and recently also in Villingen-Schwenningen offer a wide range of advice and therapy options.

Therapy project for sex offenders

On the initiative of the treatment initiative for victim protection , the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg originally initially provided budget funds of initially 100,000 euros annually for the treatment of dangerous violent and sexual offenders, with a total of six pilot projects for the treatment of violent and sexual offenders in several prisons in the state and individual therapy Measures were carried out. Organizationally, this project is also assigned to the FAB. Since the range of treatments in Baden-Württemberg has expanded considerably due to this support , the therapy project for sex offenders that was started in November 2007 is currently (2016) still being implemented in the Mannheim correctional facility . On December 1, 2011, the treatment department for addicts violent offenders was set up in the Offenburg prison. The measure is aimed at violent and sexual offenders who, in addition to a personality disorder that contributed to the offense, also have an addictive substance problem. The treatment groups are scientifically supported by the University of Heidelberg, the Institute for Psychology (Peter Fiedler) and the Institute for Criminology (Dieter Dölling).

Prevention project "Do not commit violent or sexual offenses"

In addition, BIOS in the FAB also offers a contact point for so-called crime-prone people . A perpetrator is a person who has not yet been convicted of a sexual or violent offense, but who either turns to the FAB of his own volition, fearing that he is committing a sexual or violent offense, or who has become suspicious by the authorities and this is conveyed to the FAB. The offer is not limited to "pedophile" people, but offers help in the sense of preventive victim protection for all people who commit the first attack on a child, the - further - consumption of child pornography or otherwise the commission of a sexual or Fear violent crime. The nationwide unique program for those who are inclined to act “Do not commit violent or sexual offenses” has been scientifically supported since January 1, 2013 by the University of Heidelberg - under the direction of Dieter Dölling and Peter Fiedler. The aim is, in the sense of preventive victim protection, to convey effective strategies to the test subjects in dealing with their sexual or violent deviations and inclination to act. This is intended on the one hand to make it easier for them to deal with urgent fantasies, but on the other - and this is crucial - in terms of preventive victim protection, it should reduce the risk of a first-time commission of criminal offenses.

Since the FAB was founded on June 2, 2008, as of December 31, 2015, a total of 2,095 people had received psychotherapeutic treatments or had them assessed. About 450 therapies and assessments are currently ongoing.

Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic Koblenz (PAKo)

On July 31, 2015, BIOS BW eV expanded its range of treatments - especially for convicted criminals - to Rhineland-Palatinate. On the one hand, the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance Koblenz (PAKo) was newly founded, on the other hand, test subjects from Rhineland-Palatinate can also be admitted to the FAB. By December 31, 2015, a treatment place could already be offered in the new facility for twelve released people who were under probation or supervision.

Victims and trauma outpatient clinic Karlsruhe / Baden (OTA)

The Victim and Trauma Outpatient Clinic Karlsruhe / Baden (OTA) of the Victim Protection Treatment Initiative (BIOS-BW) provides a central point of contact for the acute care of victims of traumatizing events, in particular victims of violent and sexual offenses for Baden-Württemberg, especially for those in Baden It integrates medical and psychotherapeutic acute care, clarification of forensic issues, clarification of psychosocial emergencies and legal advice. On November 25, 2014, BIOS-BW formally transferred this offer to the OTA as a follow-up to the aid program for “acute care for traumatized victims of violent and sexual offenses”. The association had already set up this offer in 2010 in order to save victims of violent and sexual crimes from waiting months at doctors and psychologists in private practice and thus enable acute care within a few days.


Outpatient crisis intervention with a maximum frequency of 10 to 15 sessions enables victims of traumatizing events to receive first aid in these areas from a contact person and to counteract a deterioration in the psychosocial situation or the development of a mental illness in the narrower sense. Persistent psychological problems and the development of a psychological disorder that require long-term outpatient, partial inpatient or inpatient treatment are referred to the outpatient contracted doctor or psychotherapeutic care or corresponding partial inpatient or inpatient care.

The assistance in the first sessions is divided into contact, clarification of the assignment, clarification of diagnostic questions, structuring and prioritization of the concerns of those affected and, if possible, first therapeutic interventions to stabilize the corresponding people in their life situation and their reintegration into a normalizing everyday life to enable.

In its work, the OTA operates as an independent, anonymous, non-partisan, non-denominational and open to all cultures institution.

In addition to the acute final update of the consequences of trauma, a central component of the treatment and support measures is an intensive networking of the victim and trauma outpatient department with other institutions involved in the treatment and care of traumatized people, so that overall through a network in which victim assistance, the police, Psychiatric outpatient clinics, registered contract physicians and psychotherapists are brought together in order to ensure not only acute care but also the further care that may be necessary for traumatized people. There are already specific collaborations in this regard with the Institute's Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic and the Städt Psychiatric Clinic. Clinic of the city of Karlsruhe and with the trauma and BG outpatient clinic of the psychiatric department of the Karlsbad-Langensteinbach Clinic. Further networks, especially with resident doctors and psychologists, especially in the Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe-Land area, the victim protection officer of the police, the White Ring and other social institutions are being set up and are to be intensified through regular network meetings and further training measures.

In addition to immediate psychotherapeutic help, which is currently free of charge for patients, the OTA offers free initial legal advice from a specialist lawyer for criminal law and - if necessary - also the accompanying social counseling in individual cases.

As of December 31, 2015, 94 therapies or therapeutic interventions had been carried out. The proportion of male victims was around 22%.


The OTA is part of the Victim Protection Treatment Initiative (BIOS-BW). The city of Karlsruhe (Mayor Klaus Stapf) and the district of Karlsruhe (District Administrator Christoph Schnaudigel) take over the patronage for the OTA.

Currently (2016) there are two trained or particularly skilled psychologists and a social pedagogue working in the OTA, who are instructed by a psychiatrist who is particularly experienced in this area.


The financing of the facility causes problems, as it has not yet been possible to obtain approval from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians for the facility supported by an association. However, health insurance companies are increasingly taking on the costs of the treatment, as it has been shown that quick and unbureaucratic help not only avoids trauma-related damage, but also saves costs. The district office also partially pays for the costs of treatment according to the Victims Compensation Act (OEG). In addition to grants from the city and district of Karlsruhe, the facility is currently supported by the association, which is financed by donations and fines from courts and public prosecutors.


The initiative, which is located at the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court , is supported by the non-profit association Treatment Initiative Victim Protection (BIOS-BW) eV , founded in 2008 .


On November 5 and 6, 2015, BIOS-BW eV hosted the meeting of all forensic outpatient clinics in Karlsruhe. The heads of the various outpatient clinics from all over Germany have gathered for the sixth time for a two-day meeting, which the Forensic Ambulance Baden (FAB) - currently the largest forensic aftercare outpatient clinic in the penal system - planned and hosted this year.

In April 2016, a “BIOS guide for those affected by criminal offenses” was published by two lawyers, which includes victims of criminal offenses and the like. a. want to provide an overview of the correct behavior after the crime, the course of criminal proceedings and the rights and obligations of the victim.

BIOS-BW eV assumes a leading role in expanding and updating the minimum requirements for prognostic reports, which are of the utmost importance for treatment, relaxation and release from the penal system and the penal system. Completely new are the handling of the "mental disorder" and the treatment prognosis according to § 119a StVollzG for people in preventive detention. A first meeting of the expert group took place on December 17, 2016 in Heidelberg.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i BIOS Annual Report 2015 (full text). (PDF; 1.5 MB).
  2. BIOS memorandum (full text). (PDF; 1.7 MB).
  3. Key issues paper CDU / CSU and FDP. (PDF; 119 kB).
  4. Statements on the key issues paper.
  5. Invitation to the hearing. (PDF; 154 kB).
  6. ↑ Brief BIOS report. (PDF; 4.2 MB).
  7. FDP parliamentary group includes suggestions in the BIOS memorandum to improve victim protection in criminal proceedings.
  8. Therapy for Sex Offenders. At:
  9. BIOS treatment departments.
  10. University of Heidelberg carries out accompanying scientific research.
  11. ^ Forensic ambulance in Baden.
  12. a b c d e f Concept of the victim and trauma outpatient clinic in Karlsruhe / Baden.
  13. a b Victims and trauma outpatient clinic Karlsruhe Baden opened on November 25, 2014.
  14. ^ Victims and trauma outpatient clinic in Karlsruhe / Baden Information for those affected.
  15. BIOS guide for victims of criminal offenses (full text). (PDF; 0.6 MB).
  16. Minimum requirements for forecast reports. In: minimum BIOS BW, December 17, 2016, accessed December 17, 2016 .

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