Benet Soler

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Benet Soler , OSB , (* around 1640 in Granollers , † 1682 in Montserrat ) was a Catalan conductor and composer as a music monk in the Montserrat monastery .

Soler was trained in music at the Escola de Montserrat by Joan March, among others . In 1656 he entered the Benedictine order and became a monk. He took over the post of conductor in the Montserrat monastery from Joan Cererols . One of his students was Miguel López . The composer and musicologist Baltasar Saldoni (1807–1889) emphasized Soler's great importance as a musician and music teacher. Soler was also responsible for other positions in the monastic community: he worked as deputy vicar and sacristan of the Montserrat monastery.

Musical works of Benet Soler are in the CMAR music collection of the parish church of Sant Pere i Sant Pau of Canet de Mar .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Benet Soler: In: Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música.
  2. List of works by Benet Soler. In: IFMuC.