Bernard Alane

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Bernard Alane (born December 25, 1948 in Paris ) is a French actor .

He was best known for two films by Édouard Molinaro : In the title role of thawed “winter sleeper” in Uncle Paul, he is the big plum , a 25-year-old man who, after being frozen in the ice, imagines himself in France in 1905 . The film is above all a vehicle for Louis de Funès as the husband of the granddaughter ( Claude Gensac ) of the thawed, for whom a Paris of the fin de siècle is now rising. As Comte Hector de Pont-Cassé in My Uncle Benjamin, he helps the young lovers Claude Jade and Jacques Brel to happiness. After that he was mainly a leading actor in TV films. Despite the promising start, mostly supporting roles follow in the cinema. Other roles u. a. in Molinaro's Messrs Dracula , Claude Chabrol's Violette Nozière and Manoel de Oliveira's The Silk Shoe .

Engaged at the Comédie-Française in the early 1970s , he received the Molière Theater Prize as a theater actor in 1993 and 1997.

Bernard Alane has been mainly on TV since the mid-1970s, as the hero in the series The Initiates of Eleusis (1975), alongside Claude Jade as Camille Desmoulins in La passion de Camille et Lucile Desmoulins (1978) and in the title role of Voltaire - Film adaptation of Zadig ou La destinée (1981).

Filmography (selection)

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