Bernd Rauschenbach (literary scholar)

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Bernd Rauschenbach (right) together with Joachim Kersten (left) and Jan Philipp Reemtsma (center), Hamburg 2013

Bernd Rauschenbach (born July 30, 1952 in Berlin ) is a German literary scholar, writer and reciter.

Rauschenbach studied German and library sciences at the Technical University of Berlin . Since 1975 he has published literary works and in 1982 became secretary of the Arno Schmidt Foundation . From 2001 to 2018 he was its managing director. He lives in Eldingen , the closest larger neighboring town to Bargfeld , Arno Schmidt's place of residence , where the foundation is based. For them he works primarily as an editor, so he participated in the publication of the Bargfeld edition of Arno Schmidt's works. He also worked on a biography of Schmidt until around 2013.

Bernd Rauschenbach is a member of the PEN Center Germany .

Works and writings

Stage plays

with Jörg W. Gronius

  • Probst Grüber and others. Afterword by Karl Riha . Patio, Frankfurt am Main 1978.
  • I am alone against two thousand tigers or the general things of humanity or “Gentlemen, get up from your seats!” A supremacy of all of our mothers in as yet unpredictable tumult. Illustrations by Klaus Münchschwander . Patio, Neu-Isenburg 1991.
  • Pieces 1st edition echoraum, Vienna 1993.
  • Pieces 2. Weidle, Bonn 1997, ISBN 3-931135-29-2 .
  • Pieces 3 / I'm alone against 2,000 tigers or where is the problem? (= Kiel Edition. Volume 4). Ludwig, Kiel 2002, ISBN 3-933598-62-1 .
  • Pieces 4th edition echoraum, Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-901941-30-6 .
  • Bodies from the world. A dramatic historiography in a prelude and 2000 acts. Edited by the Gronius-Rauschenbach-Center, Vienna. edition echoraum, Vienna 2000.
  • Sound interference from Philadelphia or Heidelinde, I know. Short pieces with roar. CD, BMG Wort, Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-89830-076-5 .
  • Yes, if it weren't for the bucolic! or Samson, pop the blessing or a world record against your will or the Hermannshof battle. A Whitsun game after breakfast with compulsory procession. Wehrhahn, Hannover 2001, ISBN 3-932324-63-3 .
  • Modersohn or Small Introduction to Catapult Hunting. Piece in two acts. World premiere : echoraum Vienna, March 10, 2001.

as editor

  • Arno Schmidt , Bargfeld edition. [ BA , the complete works], in four sections and with supplement volumes. 1986 ff.
  • with Susanne Fischer : Arno Schmidt's “Seascape with Pocahontas”. Notes and other materials. Haffmans, Zurich.
  • with Jan Philipp Reemtsma : “Wu Hi?”. Arno Schmidt in Görlitz Lauban Greiffenberg. Edition of the Arno Schmidt Foundation. Haffmans, Zurich 1986, ISBN 3-251-00029-2 .
  • Arno Schmidt for Malicious , Insel, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-458-34941-9 .

Web links