Bernhard Fleischmann (moderator)

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Hans Bernhard "Fleischi" Fleischmann (born March 20, 1968 ) is a German radio presenter , DJ and author .


Fleischmann attended the cathedral grammar school in Freising until 1987 and then did a two-year officer training with the armed forces. In 1986 he worked as a record archivist and night presenter in Munich , and in 1990 he was marketing assistant at Antenne Bayern . From 1995 to 1997 he presented the show Super 3 on Bayern 3 and worked as a comedy writer for Karl Auer , after which he switched to the private broadcaster Antenne Bayern, where he presented the show Die Junge Wilden , but returned to Bayern 3 in May 2008 back and hosted the morning show Die Frühaufdreher there until July 2016 together with Axel-Robert Müller and Claudia Conrath. He is currently represented in the current Bayern 3 program with his comedy section Fleischis Welt . Since 2014, his switches have been an integral part of the television program of the Bavarian Radio Habe die Ehre . He took part in an episode of Hubert and Staller .

He is the president of the Friends of Modern Dance Music and the president of the royal. Bavarian golf heroes . Fleischmann lives in Munich and partly in Landshut .

In the 2011 film Gnomeo and Julia , he spoke the garden gnome Benny.


Bernhard Fleischmann recorded the stop announcements and instructions for the central network of the agilis railway company .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Welcome to Fleischi's world
  4. The voices from our trains ( Memento of the original from March 26, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /