Bernhard Fluck

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Bernhard Fluck (born January 16, 1935 in Remscheid ; † September 27, 2013 in Düsseldorf ) was senior director of studies from 1974 to 1999, from 1980 to 1992 chairman of the German Association of Philologists (DPhV), author and freelance journalist and wrote about educational, cultural and social issues Ask. He lived in Düsseldorf.

Live and act

After studying German , history and political science at the Universities of Cologne , Tübingen and Bonn , Fluck had worked in higher education since 1962: from 1964 at the humanistic Görres-Gymnasium Düsseldorf , from 1972 to 1974 as the founding director of the Kopernikus-Gymnasium in Ratingen-Lintorf and from 1974 to 1999 as senior director of studies at the Luisen-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf.

In addition to his high school activities, he was also involved in issues of educational reform as well as social and professional policy. In 1970 the Minister of Culture of North Rhine-Westphalia appointed him to the Commission for Political Education. From 1971 to 1989 he was a member of the board of trustees at the Pedagogical Institute in Düsseldorf for teacher training.

Bernhard Fluck had been a member of the German Association of Philologists (DPhV), the professional representation of grammar school teachers in the German Association of Officials , since 1966 , and held various functions here. For ten years he was deputy chairman of the Philologists' Association of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1969 he became a member of the executive board of the German Association of Philologists. From 1971 on he was Deputy Federal Chairman for nine years before he was elected Federal Chairman of the DPhV in Berlin in 1980 , an office he held for twelve years. Since 1992 he was then honorary chairman of the DPhV.

Fluck was a board member in the German Association of Civil Servants (DBB) from 1980 to 1992 and at the same time chairman of the expert commission on schools, education and science in the DBB. From 1987 to 1991 he was a member of the German UNESCO Commission . He was able to represent the interests of teachers in the DPhV and the DBB at numerous international teachers' congresses. Since 1969 he was a member of the Society of Catholic Publicists (GKP).

Bernhard Fluck was married to Christa Fluck nee Reuse and had two daughters.

Critical philologist

Thanks to congresses, press releases, book and magazine publications as well as negotiations, campaigns and innovations, Bernhard Fluck has been a critical companion of educational events for forty years. He set important impulses above all in the following areas: modern technological change as an opportunity for young people, general education at high schools, European unification and educational policy, challenges of the information age, talent promotion and school structure, integration of foreign students, development of the education system in the new federal states after reunification and much more

In his school and student days, he was shaped by membership in the Bund New Germany . Fluck has been a member of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation since 1975 . He published articles on the fate of persecuted Jewish citizens and emigrants during the Nazi era and promoted student exchanges with Israel . As a board member of the Federation of Democratic Resistance Fighters and the Persecuted (BDWV) in North Rhine-Westphalia, he campaigned for the victims of both dictatorships, arranged student discussions with contemporary witnesses and sponsored exhibitions and lectures.


  • In 1993, Bernhard Fluck was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany .
  • In 1992 the representative assembly of the DPhV elected him honorary chairman of the German Association of Philologists.
  • In 2005 the Philologists' Association of North Rhine-Westphalia made him an honorary member.

Publications (selection)

  • Bernhard Fluck and Edmund Spohr: School reform and urban development . Goch: Boss Druck und Medien, 2007, 216 S., ISBN 978-3-933969-76-7
  • Bernhard Fluck: Gymnasium, Mission, Progress, German Association of Philologists and Gymnasium in the 19th and 20th centuries . Düsseldorf: Pädagogik & Hochschul Verlag, 2003, 448 pages, ISBN 3-921990-41-6
  • Bernhard Fluck: Education and Responsibility . Cologne: JP Bachem Verlag, 1989, 125 pages, ISBN 3-7616-0996-5

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supporting documents

  1. ^ Obituary, Rheinische Post from October 2, 2013