Bernhard Wachstein

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Bernhard Wachstein

Bernhard Wachstein (born January 31, 1868 in Tluste , Galicia , Austria-Hungary ; died January 15, 1935 in Vienna ) was a Jewish scholar (community history, bibliography, epitaphy ) who built the library of the Vienna Israelite community from scratch, extended and modernized as well as in the bibliographical field, in particular the history of the Austrian Jewry, provided important groundwork.


After completing his talmudic , philosophical, historical and bibliographical studies, Bernhard Wachstein settled in Vienna and had been a librarian of the Jewish Community of Vienna since 1903 (for 32 years; since 1919, after the death of Dr. Bernhard Münz, as head of the library) .

He also studied genealogy, which is a prominent part of Jewish history, and became a great connoisseur in the field.

Fonts (selection)

  • Viennese Hebrew Epitaphs , 1907 (digitized version)
  • Jewish private letters from 1619 , Vienna and Leipzig 1911 (together with Alfred Landau)
  • The foundation of the Viennese Chewra Kadischa , 1911
  • Catalog of Salo Cohn's donations , 2 volumes (Vienna: I. 1911, II. 1914) (digitized version )
  • The inscriptions of the old Jewish cemetery in Vienna , 2 volumes (Vienna / Leipzig: I. 1912; II. 1917) (digitized version)
  • Hebrew tombstones from the XIIIth-XVth centuries Century in Vienna and the surrounding area , Vienna 1916 (digitized version)
  • The grave inscriptions of the old Jewish cemetery in Eisenstadt (in: Eisenstädter Forschungen, Vol. I., edited by Sándor Wolf, 1922) (digitized version)
  • On the bibliography of memorial and mourning lectures in Hebrew literature , 3 volumes, Vienna 1922–1930
  • The descent from Karl Marx . In: Festkrift i anledning af Professor David Simonsens 70-aarige Fodestag . Kobenhavn 1923, pp. 278-289
  • The Jews in Eisenstadt , 2 volumes, 1926
  • Contributions to the history of the Jews in Moravia (in: Juden und Judengemeinden Mährens, edited by Hugo Gold , 1929)
  • The Hebrew Journalism in Vienna. In three parts , Vienna 1930
  • Bibliography of Moritz Güdemann's writings , Vienna 1931
  • Literature on the Jewish woman. With an appendix: literature on marriage , Vienna 1931
  • Discussion papers on the Jewish question. The new face of anti-Semitism , Vienna 1933


  • Saul Chajes: Bibliography of the writings of Bernhard waxstein . Vienna 1933.
  • Handbook of the historical book collections in Austria , by Wilma Buchinger, Helmut W. Lang, Konstanze Mittendorfer, Austrian National Library, Karen Kloth; Compiled by Wilma Buchinger, Konstanze Mittendorfer, Georg Olms Verlag, 1995
  • Shoshana Duizend-Jensen: Jewish communities, associations, foundations and funds . Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2004.

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