Hugo Gold

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Hugo Gold (born October 14, 1895 in Vienna , † November 20, 1974 in Tel Aviv ) was a Jewish historian , essayist , editor and publisher .


Hugo Gold studied in Vienna and Brno and was the publisher and editor or chief editor of the Jewish People's Voice from 1924 to 1939 and of the journal for the history of the Jews in Czechoslovakia from 1930 until it was finally closed in 1938 . He also directed the Hickl publishing house in Brno.

From 1940 he lived and worked in Tel Aviv, where he was the owner of the Olamenu publishing house. He was also the founder of the Zwi Perez Chajes Institute. At least from 1964 to 1974 he published the quarterly journal for the history of the Jews in Tel Aviv in German .

In 1967 Hugo Gold received the Theodor Körner Literature Prize.

Works (selection)

  • The Jews and Jewish communities of Moravia past and present. A compilation , Brno 1929
  • The Jews and Jewish communities of Bratislava in the past and present. A compilation , Brno 1932
  • The Jews and Jewish Communities of Bohemia in the Past and Present , Brno and Prague 1934
  • History of the Jews in Bukovina. Vol. 1, Tel Aviv 1958
  • History of the Jews in Bukovina. Vol. 2, Tel Aviv 1962
  • History of the Jews in Vienna. A memorial book , Tel Aviv 1966
  • Max Brod , a memorial book , 1969, OCLC 822854
  • Memorial book of the lost Jewish communities of Burgenland , Tel Aviv 1970
  • Between Perez Chajes. Documents from his life and work , Tel Aviv 1971
  • History of the Jews in Austria. A memorial book , Tel Aviv 1971
  • Memorial book of the lost Jewish communities of Moravia , Tel Aviv 1974

Literature (selection)

  • Gold, Hugo. In: Lexicon of German-Jewish Authors . Volume 9: Glass Green. Edited by the Bibliographia Judaica archive. Saur, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-598-22689-6 , pp. 48-52.
  • Desider Stern : Works by authors of Jewish origin in German . 2nd Edition. B'nai B'rith, Vienna 1969 (previously: books by authors of Jewish origin in German, an exhibition by B'nai B'rith, Vienna, March 5-14, 1967 in the Künstlerhaus Vienna , catalog: Desider Stern , DNB 1045425419 ).
  • Walter Tetzlaff: 2000 short biographies of important German Jews of the 20th century , Askania, Lindhorst 1982, ISBN 3-921730-10-4 .
  • Harry Zohn : "... I'm just a son of the German language ...". Jewish heritage in Austrian literature , Vienna / Munich 1986

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