Bernhard ten Brink

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Bernhard ten Brink (born January 12, 1841 in Amsterdam , † January 29, 1892 in Strasbourg ) was a German English and Romance studies .

life and work

Ten Brink graduated from high school in Essen . He received his doctorate in Bonn in 1865 as a student of Friedrich Diez and Nikolaus Delius with Conjectanea in historam rei metricae franco-gallicae (Bonn 1865), completed his habilitation in Münster in 1866 on critical studies on the Roman de Rou and became an associate professor there in 1868. In 1870 he was appointed to succeed Wilhelm Treitz as a full professor of occidental languages ​​in Marburg and in 1872 as professor of modern languages ​​in Strasbourg . In 1874 the Strasbourg seminar for modern languages ​​was divided into an English and a Romance seminar. Ten Brink, who was appointed to the professorship in English, “waged a long guerrilla war with his Romance studies colleague Eduard Böhmer over the fact that he wanted to read and examine also in the field of French” (Christmann, p. 28), “because he was breaking up his smaller subject did not see the larger and glorious Romance studies ”(Storost, p. 92). In 1890/91 ten Brink was rector of the University of Strasbourg.


  • Grammar or logic? Letter to Mr. Edélestand du Méril in Paris , Münster 1869
  • Chaucer. Studies on the history of its development and the chronology of its writings , Münster 1870
  • The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales: Attempt at a Critical Edition , Munster 1871
  • History of English Literature , I, Berlin 1877 (English: New York and London 1883, translated by Horace M. Kennedy), 2nd edition 1899; II. Until the Reformation, reprint of the Berlin edition published by Alois Brandl from 1889: Strasbourg 1893 (English: first part: London and New York 1893, translated by William Clarke Robinson; second part London 1896; translated by L. Dora Schmitz)
  • Duration and sound. A contribution to the history of vowel quantity in Old French , Strasbourg 1879
  • Chaucer's language and verse art , Leipzig 1884, 2nd edition 1899, 3rd edition 1920
  • Beowulf. Investigations , Strasbourg 1888
  • Shakespere. Five lectures from the estate , Strasbourg 1893, 2nd edition 1894, 3rd edition 1907


  • Joachim Storost: Dante and the emergence of German university romance studies. I., in: Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch 39 (1961), 80–97
  • Hans Helmut Christmann : Romance Studies and English Studies at the German University in the 19th Century , Mainz 1985
  • Edward Schröder:  ten Brink, Bernhard . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 37, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, pp. 785-788.
  • Arnold Schröer: "From the early days of English philology. I. Personal memories and impressions," Germanisch Romanische monthly 15 (1925), 32–51.
  • Richard Utz: Chaucer and the Discourse of German Philology. A History of Reception and an Annotated Bibliography of Studies, 1793-1948 . Turnhout: Brepols, 2002; especially pp. 73-126 "The Founding Fathers: Julius Zupitza and Bernhard ten Brink."
  • Richard Utz: "Bernhard ten Brink and English Studies in Lotharingia," in: Cahier Calin: Makers of the Middle Ages. Essays in Honor of William Calin , ed. by Richard Utz and Elizabeth Emery. Kalamazoo, MI: Studies in Medievalism, 2011. pp. 45-47.

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