Birthe Gerken

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Birthe Gerken (born October 13, 1981 in Bremerhaven ) is a German actress .

life and work

Birthe Gerken trained in acting and singing between 2002 and 2005. In addition to her studies at the School for Drama in Hamburg, she took several seminars in camera acting , among others with Oscar Ortega Sánchez , as well as intensive acting seminars with Marie Bäumer . In addition to another seminar “Imagination, Movement, Voice” with Professor Juri Vassiliev, she received singing lessons from Geeske Hof-Helmers, and again from 2009 to 2013 with Julia Marleen Dörfel.

Even before starting her training, Birthe Gerken made her debut at the Stadttheater Bremerhaven in the role of Heike in the classic Sluderkraam in't stairs by Jens Exler . From 2005 she was and still is often seen in guest roles at the Hamburg Ohnsorg Theater . Among other things, she played Helene in the play Unkel Vanja based on Anton Chekhov , directed by Michael Bogdanov . Further engagements led Gerken to the Altona Theater , the Dreieichenhain Castle Festival, the Alte Schauspielhaus Stuttgart and the theater in the town hall in Essen. She has also made repeated appearances at the Bad Hersfeld Festival .

In 2004, Birthe Gerken appeared in front of the camera for the first time in the short film Baby Blue Sky . A number of other short films and various commercials followed. She was seen in the cinema in 2010 in the film Here comes Lola! .

Birthe Gerken lives in Hamburg. She has an optimist sailing license , plays the trumpet and guitar and states on her website that she can “squint with one eye” as a special ability .


  • 2004: Baby Blue Sky (short film) *
  • 2006: Insomnium (short film) *
  • 2009: Doux (short film) *
  • 2009: Caught (short film) *
  • 2009: Gestalten (short film) *
  • 2009: Bassis Rache (short film) *
  • 2010: Here comes Lola!
  • 2010: Tula (short film) *
  • 2010: Die Landstraße (short film) *
  • 2013: Roulette
  • 2013: Coast Guard - Death sails with you
  • 2014: Backstory (short film) *

(* Proven on the website of Birthe Gerken)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Birthe Gerken homepage
  2. ^ Andreas Berger: Missed Life , The German Stage of November 13, 2012