Bischofia javanica

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Bischofia javanica
Bischofia javanica - Villa Taranto (Verbania) - DSC03736.JPG

Bischofia javanica

Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Phyllanthaceae
Subfamily : Antidesmatoideae
Tribe : Bischofieae
Genre : Bischofia
Type : Bischofia javanica
Scientific name
Bischofia javanica
Infructescence and leaves

Bischofia javanica is one of two species of plants in the genus Bischofia in the Phyllanthaceae family. It occurs in Southeast Asia to Bangladesh , India , Pakistan and Nepal as well as in southern China .


Bischofia javanica grows as a fast-growing, mostly semi-evergreen or deciduous tree with a dense, spreading crown, up to about 35–40 meters or a little more high. The trunk diameter reaches 80-170 centimeters or more. Sometimes high buttress roots or often buttocks are formed. The tree has a reddish exudate and forms a taproot . The gray to red-brownish, relatively thin bark is easily cracked and flaky finely to streaky.

The long-stemmed foliage leaves at the branch ends are usually arranged in threefold and helical shapes. The petiole is about 7-18 inches long. The leaflets that are whole to mostly serrated or notched and stalked, mostly almost bare, slightly leathery to papery at the edge are ovate to obovate. They are pointed to tail and about 7-16 inches long. Small glands may be present at the top of the 1–6 cm long petioles. There are falling stipules .

Bischofia javanica is dioecious diocesan . Axillary, long-stemmed and multi-flowered, sometimes somewhat hairy panicles are formed. There are sloping bracts on the side axes and in the flowers . The unisexual, small and stalked flowers are five-fold with a simple flower cover , the petals are missing. The flower stalk is at a "joint". The sepals are slightly fine-haired on the outside and spoon-shaped in the male flowers and initially yellowish, later greenish, in the female they are narrow-shaped, pointed and sloping early. The male flowers have a lobed, disc-shaped pestle and 5 free, short stamens . In the female flowers is an above-permanent, multi-chamber ovary , with very short stylus long with three, covered scars branches and small staminodes present.

In hanging fruit stands, multi-seeded, roundish and initially orange to reddish and, when ripe, brownish or reddish-brown, leathery, fleshy, blackish to scabby stone fruits with scar remnants at the tip. They are about 1–1.5 centimeters in size and contain 3–6 slightly flattened, about 4–5 millimeters large, approximately crescent-shaped, finely striated and orange-brown seeds (Pyrene). The flesh is whitish and slightly juicy.


The sour fruits and seeds are edible. The young leaves are eaten as a vegetable or salad.

Coloring agents are extracted from the tannin-containing bark .

The rather heavy and moderately resistant, poorly treatable, red-brown wood is used for various applications. It is known as Bishopwood or Java cedar . Fresh wood smells like vinegar.


  • PC van Welzen: Bischofia and Hymenocardia (Phyllanthaceae) in Malesia. In. Blumea. 61 (3), 2016, pp. 272-279, doi: 10.3767 / 000651916X694337 , online at
  • The CABI Encyclopedia of Forest Trees. · CABI, 2013, ISBN 978-1-78064-236-9 , p. 86 ff.
  • Martin Chudnoff: Tropical Timbers of the World. Agriculture Handbook 607, USDA Forest Service, 1984, p. 311, limited preview in Google Book Search.

Web links

Commons : Bischofia javanica  - collection of images, videos and audio files