Zhengding diocese

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Zhengding diocese
Basic data
Country People's Republic of China
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Beijing
Diocesan bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo
founding 1856
Residents 4,000,000 ( 12/31/1950 / AP1951 )
Catholics 52,000 (December 31, 1950 / AP1951 )
proportion of 1.3%
Diocesan priest 53 (December 31, 1950 / AP1951 )
Catholics per priest 981
Friars 35 (December 31, 1950 / AP1951 )
Religious sisters 121 ( 12/31/1950 / AP1951 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Standard Chinese
cathedral Christ the King

The diocese of Zhengding ( lat. : Dioecesis Cemtimensis ) is in the People's Republic of China Located Roman Catholic diocese based in Zhengding .


The diocese of Zhengding was on April 2, 1856 by Pope Pius IX. Established from the cession of territory by the Apostolic Vicariate Beijing as Apostolic Vicariate Southwest Chi-Li . The Apostolic Vicariate Southwest Chi-Li gave on April 15, 1924 parts of its territory to establish the Apostolic Prefecture Lixian . On December 3, 1924, the Apostolic Vicariate Southwest Chi-Li was renamed Apostolic Vicariate Zhengding . The Apostolic Vicariate Zhengding gave on May 25, 1929 parts of its territory to establish the Apostolic Prefecture Zhaoxian . Another cession took place in 1933 to establish the Zhaoxian Apostolic Prefecture .

The Apostolic Vicariate Zhengding was on April 11, 1946 by Pope Pius XII. raised to a diocese with the Apostolic Constitution Quotidie Nos and subordinated to the Archdiocese of Beijing as a suffragan .


Vicars Apostolic of Southwest Chi-Li

Vicars Apostolic of Zhengding

Bishops of Zhengding

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pius XII: Const. Apost. Quotidie Nos , AAS 38 (1946), n.10, pp. 301ff.