Blindia acuta

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Blindia acuta
Blindia acuta (b, 110116-465044) 4641.JPG

Blindia acuta

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Grim
Family : Seligeriaceae
Genre : Blindia
Type : Blindia acuta
Scientific name
Blindia acuta
( Hedw. ) Bruch & Schimp.

Blindia acuta ( pointed-leaved blind moss ) is a deciduous moss species from the Seligeriaceae family .


Blindia acuta forms dense, brownish-green, shiny lawns with 1 to 8 centimeters high, forked plants. The upright or more or less one-sided leaves are gradually or suddenly narrowed from an ovate, hollow base into a long, blunt awl tip. The strong rib fills the awl tip completely. The thick-walled lamina cells are elongated, rectangular to linear. The cells on the leaf base are brownish in color. The clearly differentiated leaf wing cells are enlarged and roughly square. The spore capsule on the 5 to 8 millimeter long seta is short, pear-shaped, upright and about 1 millimeter long. The peristome teeth are broadly lanceolate, brown, smooth and perforated in some places. The capsule lid is crooked. The greenish-yellow, almost smooth spores are around 8 to 18 micrometers in size. The species is often fruiting, spore ripening time is in summer.

Location claims and distribution

The moss grows on shady, moist to wet, at least occasionally flooded silicate rock, acidic sandstone and gravel, often near streams and waterfalls.

It occurs all over Europe, but in Central and Southern Europe only in the mountains. In the Alps it is widespread in montane to subalpine altitudes, and is common in the central Alps. Other deposits are in parts of Asia, from North America to northwestern South America, in Tasmania and in Central Africa (Zaire).


Web links

Commons : Blindia acuta  - album with pictures, videos and audio files