Boletopsis nothofagi

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Boletopsis nothofagi
Boletopsis nothofagi in the Nothofagus fusca biotope

Boletopsis nothofagi in the Nothofagus fusca biotope

Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Warty mushrooms (Thelephorales)
Family : Weißsporstachelingsverwandte (Bankeraceae)
Genre : Boletopsis
Subgenus : Soot spores ( Boletopsis )
Type : Boletopsis nothofagi
Scientific name
Boletopsis nothofagi
Cooper & Leonard

Boletopsis nothofagi is a stand mushroom art from the family of Weißsporstachelingsverwandten (Bankeraceae). The fungus forms gray, stalked fruiting bodies that grow in clusters. Like all types of soot spores ( Boletopsis ) it has a porous fruit layer . It differs from its fellow species in, among other things, tapered, elongated spores and a green discoloration as a KOH reaction. Boletopsis nothofagi is endemic to New Zealand and forms mycorrhiza with the beech Nothofagus fusca . When exactly the fungus forms fruiting bodies is not known; they have always been found in autumn.

The first description of the species by Jerry Cooper and Patrick Leonard comes from 2012. According to DNA studies, Boletopsis nothofagi is a rather basal representative of the genus Boletopsis . The mushroom is probably an autochthonous species of New Zealand and was native to the archipelago even before the arrival of the Europeans. It is considered to be very rare and possibly threatened, but has not yet been put on a red list .


Macroscopic features

The fruiting bodies of Boletopsis nothofagi usually grow in tufts, less often individually. They have a centrally stalked hat with the porous hymenium on the underside .

A single mushroom and several intergrown mushrooms
Basidiocarpia of Boletopsis nothofagi . The species typically forms tufted fruiting bodies.

The hat is convex, 10–80 mm wide and 5–22 mm high. In young specimens, the edge is slightly curved, while the hat of older fruiting bodies is often curled. The hat surface is smooth to slightly fibrous and gray in color. Print or scrape spots turn darker and eventually turn black. The stalk of the species is firm inside and from a club to cylindrical shape. It becomes about 20–60 mm high and 10–25 mm thick. It tapers slightly towards the hat and towards the base. The stem surface is smooth and dry, it has a similar color to the hat and also shows the same reactions to damage. The white, porous fruit layer is 1 to 2 mm thick and turns brownish at pressure points. Their pores are angular; there are two to three of them for every millimeter. When they dry, they take on a pinkish-brownish color. The fruit layer runs slightly down the stem and is sharply delineated. The dried meat smells faintly like fenugreek . The morphology of the mycorrhiza has not yet been described, but as with all other soot sporrows it is likely to be ectomycorrhiza .

Microscopic features

Boletopsis nothofagi has a monomitic hyphae structure, that is, all hyphae are generative hyphae that serve the growth of the fungus. Under the microscope, the hat shows a clearly differentiated hat skin . It consists of a cutis , i.e. a layer of lying, radially oriented hyphae. They are up to 2  µm thick, pigmented brown and covered with small, misshapen granules. The latter turn green in KOH , a diagnostic feature within the genus. The subcutis consists of swollen hyphae up to 6 µm thick. They are thin-walled, filled with oil droplets and have buckles on all septa . The hymenial layer shows cystid-like structures of 80 × 4 µm at the pores . The basidia of B. nothofagi are pleurobasidia, that is, they arise on the sides of the hyphae. They are cylindrical to club-shaped, 5–10 × 20–30 µm in size and buckled at the base. The basidia always carry four sterigmata on which light brown, thin-walled spores sit. The latter are bumpy, flattened at the ends and elongated-waisted. On average they are 5.3 × 4.1 µm in size and do not respond to any of the common chemical tests.


New Zealand map with sites marked in green
Distribution of B. nothofagi in New Zealand. The distribution on both main islands and the distance between the sites suggest that it is an autochthonous species .

The sites of Boletopsis nothofagi are limited to two closely delimited areas on the New Zealand North and South Island . One, which also forms the type locality of the species, is in the Rimutaka Forest Park near Wellington , the other near Saint Arnaud in the north of the South Island. Both places are comparatively far apart and isolated, which - together with the absence of B. nothofagi in the rest of New Zealand - makes it unlikely that the fungus was introduced to New Zealand only recently. It is more likely that it is an autochthonous , extremely sparsely distributed species that has always been overlooked in previous mappings. For example nothofagi is the southernmost member of the genus Boletopsis , the closest relatives are in Asia and Costa Rica before.


The occurrence of Boletopsis nothofagi is apparently strongly tied to the false beech Nothofagus fusca , a beech-like tree species (Fagales) endemic to New Zealand . So far, the fungus was only in N. fusca found -Wäldern that throughout New Zealand south of 37 ° S are common. With the trees, it forms ectomycorrhiza , in which the mycelial threads of the fungal symbiont envelop the roots of the plant symbiont and penetrate into the bark, but not into its cells. As a result, the fungus takes over the function of the root hair and transfers water and soil nutrients to the tree. Conversely, he can access photosynthesis products of his mycorrhizal partner through contact with the root tissue of the tree . The fruiting bodies of the species have always been found in May (late autumn).

Little is known about the location requirements of B. nothofagi - such as humidity, temperature, soil composition or water content. Since the species only seems to occur with N. fusca , it should largely conform to their requirements. The tree species prefers lowlands and hills along river valleys and usually grows on nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. The species is more likely to be found inland than in coastal regions.


  Boletopsis subgen. Boletopsis  

 B. leucomelanea (USA)


 B. nothofagi


 B. leucomelanea (Finland)


 B. perplexa


 B. subsquamosa


 Boletopsis sp. (Origin unknown)


 B. grisea


 B. leucomelanea (Korea)

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Systematic position of Boletopsis nothofagi according to Cooper and Leonard (2012). According to this phylogenetic tree, the species is a rather basal representative of the subgenus Boletopsis .

2009 in Orongorongotal an unknown near Wellington Rußporlingsart found. In 2010 the fungus was found in the same place and also discovered on the South Island. After morphological comparisons and a DNA analysis of other species of the genus came to the conclusion that the fungus could not be assigned to any known representative, the New Zealand mycologists Jerry A. Cooper and Patrick Leonard described it as a new species. The first description as Boletopsis nothofagi appeared in MycoKeys trade journal . The two authors chose the specific epithet nothofagi based on the properties of the fungus as a mycorrhizal symbiont of Nothofagus fusca . Swollen hyphae and smooth spores indicate that B. nothofagi is a member of the Boletopsis subgenus . Boletopsis off.

B. nothofagi is a genetically clearly differentiated representative of the subgenus Boletopsis , which, according to Cooper and Leonard's studies, separated from the ancestor of most of the other known species relatively early. Only one North American , as leucomelanea associated sample branches in their phylogenetic tree from even earlier. However, the relationships between many species are not fully resolved in the study, and new species are likely to be described in the future. The development history of B. nothofagi therefore remains largely unclear.


The fact that Boletopsis nothofagi was not found until 200 years after the European colonization of New Zealand illustrates the rarity of this species, according to Cooper and Leonard, but could also be due to the fact that the species may rarely fructify. Both authors assume that the species is extremely sparse and that this is not due to human influence. Although no data are available on the population development or historical distribution of the species, Cooper and Leonard regard the species as " naturally uncommon " in accordance with the New Zealand nature conservation program . In view of the precarious status of some related taxa in Europe, they call for more detailed investigations in the future.



Web links

Commons : Boletopsis nothofagi  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Nelson / Marlborough Conservancy: Beech forest. (PDF; 282 kB) Department of Conservation, Christchurch 2006.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Cooper & Leonard 2012, pp. 18-21.
  2. a b c Cooper & Leonard 2012, p. 18.
  3. Cooper & Leonard 2012, pp. 16-18.
  4. ^ Nelson / Marlborough Conservancy 2006. Retrieved October 6, 2012.
  5. Cooper & Leonard 2012, pp. 13-20.
  6. ^ Cooper & Leonard 2012, pp. 16-27.
This article was added to the list of excellent articles in this version on October 29, 2012 .