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Basileuterus luteoviridis.jpg

Bonapartew Warbler ( Myiothlypis luteoviridis )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Passeroidea
Family : Wood Warbler (Parulidae)
Genre : Myiothlypis
Type : Bonapartewaldsinger
Scientific name
Myiothlypis luteoviridis
( Bonaparte , 1845)

The Bonapartewaldsänger ( Myiothlypis luteoviridis , Syn . : Basileuterus luteoviridis ) is a small songbird from the family of the forest warbler (Parulidae).

Bonaparte warblers reach a body length of fourteen centimeters and weigh around 16 to 17 grams. The wing length is 6.6 to 7 centimeters in the male and 6 to 6.9 centimeters in the female. Adult Bonaparte warbler and young birds from the first year on have olive-green to olive-brown head and top plumage and yellow bottom plumage. The upper and lower plumage varies only slightly in the subspecies. The throat is l in the Myiothlypis subspecies . richardsoni knows. There are differences between the subspecies in the superciliar strip . The subspecies Myiothlypis l. euophrys has a wide yellow superciliar stripe that runs down to the nape of the neck, narrow black side stripes on the crown and a black eye line. The subspecies Myiothlypis l. striaticeps has a somewhat shorter, broad yellow superciliar stripe, the subspecies Myiothlypis l. luteoviridis a short yellow superciliar strip that ends behind the eye and the subspecies Myiothlypis l. richardsoni a short white superciliar strip.

The distribution area extends from Venezuela through Colombia , Ecuador , Peru to Bolivia . Bonaparte warblers live in pairs or in small groups in moist forests and forest edges with dense scrub at altitudes of 2300 to 3400 meters.

There are five recognized subspecies:

  • Myiothlypis luteoviridis luteoviridis ( Bonaparte , 1845) - Central Ecuador and Venezuela (Mérida)
  • Myiothlypis luteoviridis striaticeps ( Cabanis , 1873) - Peru (From the Amazon to south to Cusco )
  • Myiothlypis luteoviridis euophrys P. L. Sclater & Salvin , 1876 - Southern Peru; From Puno to central Bolivia
  • Myiothlypis luteoviridis quindiana Meyer de Schauensee , 1946 - Western Colombia (From Antioquia to Cauca )
  • Myiothlypis luteoviridis richardsoni Chapman , 1912 - Western Colombia (Antioquia; Cauca)

Some authors use the subspecies Basileuterus l. richardsoni ( Chapman , 1912) also seen as a separate species.



  • Jon Curson, David Quinn, David Beadle: New World Warblers. Helm, London 1994, ISBN 0-7136-3932-6 .

Web links

Commons : Bonapartewaldsänger ( Myiothlypis luteoviridis )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files