Sciuro-hypnum plumosum

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Sciuro-hypnum plumosum
Sciuro-hypnum plumosum (b, 145255-481440) 2182.JPG

Sciuro-hypnum plumosum

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Brachytheciaceae
Genre : Sciuro-hypnum
Type : Sciuro-hypnum plumosum
Scientific name
Sciuro-hypnum plumosum
( Hedw. ) Ignatov & Huttunen

Sciuro-hypnum plumosum (synonym Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp.) Is a deciduous moss species from the Brachytheciaceae family . German names are Fedriges Schweifchenastmoos or Fedriges Neuhaarblattmoos and (based on the synonym Brachythecium plumosum ) Fedriges Kurzbüchsenmoos .


These are moderately vigorous to vigorous moss plants that form somewhat shiny, dense, green to yellow-green or brownish lawns. The trunks are creeping and often runners-like, the branches ascending. The stem leaves are 1.4 to 2.3 millimeters long, lanceolate from a broad, egg-shaped base and usually gradually finely pointed, hollow, not wrinkled, not running down a little on the stem; they are arranged closely standing, one-sided or straight and moist, loosely fitting to protruding. The leaf margins are flat or at the bottom narrowly bent back and finely serrated to entire. The simple leaf vein, strong at the bottom and significantly narrowing towards the top, extends to the middle of the leaf or a little above it. The square to short rectangular leaf wing cells are, like the rectangular leaf base cells, darker than the lamina cells above; these are worm-shaped in the middle of the leaf, 50 to 80 micrometers long, 6 to 7 micrometers wide and quite thick-walled. Branch leaves are smaller and narrower than the stem leaves and especially serrated at the tip.

The species is autocratic (antheridia and archegonia on different branches on the same plant). Sporophytes are quite common; the red, 7 to 20 millimeters long seta is only warty and rough at the top and smooth at the bottom, the capsule inclined and slightly raised, the lid conical to almost beaked. Spores are 15 to 19 micrometers in size. Spore ripening time is from autumn to spring.

Location claims and distribution

The moss grows on lime-free streams and rivers, especially on silicate rock, also on earth or wood. It colonizes moist to wet, less often occasionally drying areas. The habitats are usually above the mean water line. It avoids water containing carbonate or severe water pollution.

In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the species is widespread in the silicate areas and is often common, from the lowlands to alpine locations at an altitude of around 2500 meters. In addition, the almost cosmopolitan species occurs in large parts of the northern hemisphere and Oceania.


Web links

Commons : Sciuro-hypnum plumosum  - album with pictures, videos and audio files