Brown acorn cup

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Brown acorn cup
2011-10-03 Ciboria batschiana.jpg

Brown acorn cupling ( Ciboria batschiana )

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Helotials
Family : Sclerotia cup relatives (Sclerotiniaceae)
Genre : Ciboria
Type : Brown acorn cup
Scientific name
Ciboria batschiana
( Zopf ) NF Buchw.

The brown acorn cup ( Ciboria batschiana ) is a type of mushroom from the family of the sclerotia cup relatives (Sclerotiniaceae) and is the causative agent of black acorn rot .


Macroscopic features

The fruiting bodies are often in several connected apothecaries , which are 0.5 to 2 cm in size, with a stalk-calyx-shaped, also disc-shaped with age. Their color is cinnamon to dark red-brown, the stem, up to 15 mm long, is black-brown in the lower part. Their consistency is waxy and brittle and at the same time somewhat tough.

Microscopic features

The spores are hyaline , smooth, unseptate, elliptical and are 7 to 10.5 × 4 to 5 μm in size. The asci are cylindrical-club-shaped and measure 80 to 120 × 6 to 8 μm. The paraphyses are slender and filamentous and only slightly broadened at the tip. Usually microconidia are formed before the ascospores are formed, but they are not capable of germination.


The species grows exclusively on mummified, de-shelled acorns . It is not uncommon and fructified from August to October.
The fungus grows preferentially in cool, damp weather. Infection occurs on the ground through the ascospores formed in autumn. The mycelium penetrates into the interior of the glans through both the tip and the base. The first symptom is dark spots on the outer seed coat and small orange-yellow, dark-rimmed spots under the seed coat. Over time, the cotyledons become brown and porous and give off an unpleasant rotten smell. In the following autumn, the fruiting bodies are formed on the now completely black, mummified acorn.

Importance and combat

As the causative agent of black acorn rot, it can cause the almost complete loss of acorn seeds. As a preventive measure, you should start collecting the acorns as early as possible in autumn, as the infection originates from older acorns lying on the ground. Suitable storage conditions must also be ensured when storing the seeds. Already infected seeds can be treated with hot water d. H. Can be effectively disinfected for 24 hours at 38 ° C.


The epithet honors the botanist August Batsch .



Individual evidence