Brown-striped alder spanner

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Brown-striped alder spanner
Brown-striped alder spanner (Hydrelia sylvata)

Brown-striped alder spanner ( Hydrelia sylvata )

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Larentiinae
Tribe : Asthenini
Genre : Hydrelia
Type : Brown-striped alder spanner
Scientific name
Hydrelia sylvata
( Denis & Schiffermüller , 1775)

The brown-striped alder spanner ( Hydrelia sylvata ), also known as alder swamp leaf spanner , gray alder leaf spanner or alder leaf spanner , is a butterfly ( moth ) from the spanner family (Geometridae).


The moths have a wingspan of 18 to 23 millimeters (20 to 22 millimeters). The basic color of the front wings is whitish, whitish gray to light beige. They show light brown to dark brown, wavy transverse lines and have an indistinct brown central band in the middle field. A discal stain may be present in some specimens, but is usually small and indistinctly limited or absent. The hind wings have the same drawing as the forewings. The border lines of the fore and hind wings are marked by broken lines on the veins. The transverse lines vary somewhat in the intensity of the training and also somewhat in the arrangement.

Caterpillar and pupa

The relatively short and stocky caterpillar tapers towards both the front and the rear end. It is purple-red to purple-brown, greenish on the front and back sides and rose-red in the middle. The back line and some V-shaped spots on the back are white, the side back lines are only slightly lighter than the basic color. There are yellow spots on the side of the 5th abdominal segment. The point warts are black, but edged with white. The small head is dark green and deeply notched.

The shiny blue-green to greenish-brown pupa has yellow-colored segment incisions.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The area of ​​the species extends from the Iberian Peninsula and the British Isles in the west, across Central and Eastern Europe, Siberia to the Russian Far East and Japan . The northern border in Europe runs in central Fennoscandia , the southern border on the southern edge of the Alps.

The brown-striped alder spanner occurs mainly in forests, but also in forest moors. Bergmann describes them as "the main species of alder swamp trees in boggy-swampy valleys and on their leanings in sandy areas of the hills and plains." In Baden-Württemberg Oak Elm pastures were alder-ash meadows and Glen Forest uncinate pines -Waldhochmoore, high-Moore with Calluna - Molinia - Moor Birken faces, Scots pine -Birkenwäldern on peat and secondary Bruchwald formations detected as living space. In the mountains it rises to almost 1700 meters.

Way of life

The brown-striped alder spanner is univoltin . The moths fly from May to July. They are nocturnal and come to the light . During the day they rest in the vegetation or on tree trunks, but can be easily roused. As food plants for the caterpillars, willows ( Salix ) and alders ( Alnus ) are given. The leaves of blueberries ( Vaccinium ) may also be used as caterpillars. Common hazel ( Corylus avellana ) has also been proven . The individually living caterpillars can be found in August and September between the leaves of the food plants that are spun together. The pupa hibernates in a web between leaves on the ground.

Systematics and taxonomy

The species was scientifically described for the first time as Geometra sylvata by Michael Denis and Johann Ignaz Schiffermüller in 1775 . In older works it can be found under the younger synonym Phalaena testaceata Donovan, 1810, mostly in the combination Larentia testaceata or Hydrelia testaceata . Geometra sylvata Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 is the type species of the genus Hydrelia Hübner, 1825.


The species is endangered in Germany (category 3). However, the situation is different in the individual federal states. In Brandenburg it is considered to be extinct or missing, in Hamburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia it is threatened with extinction. For Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland, category 2 (highly endangered) is specified, only category 4R (potentially rare, but always extremely rare) is recorded for Saxony.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Red Lists at Science4you
  2. Leraut (2009: p. 729)
  3. Skou (1986: p. 209)
  4. a b c d Forster & Wohlfahrt (1971: p. 139) (as Hydrelia testaceata )
  5. ^ Bergmann (1955: p. 521-2) (as Hydrelia testaceata )
  6. a b c Ebert (2001: pp. 497–500)
  7. ^ Michael Denis and Johann Ignaz Schiffermüller: Systematic directory of butterflies in the Vienna region. 322 S., Bernardi, Vienna 1776 Online at GDZ - Göttinger Digitization Center (The work Announcement of a systematic work on the butterflies of the Vienna region by Michael Denis and Johann Ignaz Schiffermüller from 1775 is an identical preprint of the digitized work from 1776).
  8. ^ Karl Eckstein: The butterflies of Germany, 4th volume, The tensioners and the bear-like butterflies. KG Lutz Verlag, Stuttgart, 1923 (p. 28, as Larentia testaceata )
  9. Manfred Koch , Wolfgang Heinicke, Bernd Müller: We determine butterflies. Volume 4: Spanner. 2nd, improved and enlarged edition. Neumann, Leipzig / Radebeul 1976, DNB 780451570 (p. 155, as Hydrelia testaceata ).


  • Arno Bergmann: The large butterflies of Central Germany. Volume 5/1: Spanner. Distribution, forms and communities. Urania-Verlag, Jena 1955, DNB 450378403 .
  • Günter Ebert (Ed.): The butterflies of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 8. Moth VI (Geometridae 1st part). Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart 2001. ISBN 3-8001-3497-7
  • Patrice Leraut: Moths of Europe. Volume II. Geometrid moths. NAP Editions 2009, ISBN 978-2-913688-09-4
  • Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 5: Spanner. (Geometridae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-440-04951-5 .
  • Peder Skou: The geometroid moths of North Europe (Lepidoptera, Drepanidae and Geometridae). 348 S., Leiden, Brill, 1986 online at GoogleBooks

Web links

Commons : Hydrelia sylvata  - collection of images, videos and audio files