Broad-shouldered buck

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Broad-shouldered buck
Akimerus schaefferi 2.png

Broad- shouldered buck ( Akimerus schaefferi )

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae)
Subfamily : Narrowbuckles (Lepturinae)
Genre : Akimerus
Type : Broad-shouldered buck
Scientific name
Akimerus schaefferi
( Laicharting , 1784)

The wide shoulder Bock ( Akimerus schaefferi ) is a beetle from the family of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae). It is one of two species of its genus, of which only this occurs in Central Europe.


Characteristics of the adults

The broad-shouldered buck reaches a body length of 15 to 24 millimeters. Its body is strong and broad with very wide front ends of the wing covers ("shoulders"), which narrow strongly towards the back. There is a clear sexual dimorphism in the species : the body of the males is solid red-brown and of the females red-brown or black with a pale yellow cross-band on the elytra. The pronotum and elytra are strongly dotted with wrinkles , the pronotum with a deep central furrow separating two spherical cusps. The antennae are knotted towards the tip; the antennae in the male reach almost to the tip of the abdomen, in the females only to the middle of the elytra. The front body and the underside are hairy golden yellow.

The middle and rear legs have a small tooth on either side of the tibial groove . The length of the tibia of the hind legs protrudes slightly beyond the tip of the abdomen. The tips of the antenna links are clearly thickened.

Characteristics of the larvae

The larvae of the broad-shouldered buck reach a maximum length of 50 millimeters. The antennae are tripartite, stemmata are absent. The mandibles have two inner keels. The pronotum has small thorns. On the abdominal segments, including the seventh, there are dorsal ampoules covered with tubercles with distinct anterior transverse lines that enclose a wide area covered with tiny tubercles. The ninth abdominal segment has a central spine that arises from a triangular plate.


The broad-shouldered buck occurs in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, but is not found in Northern Europe. There is no evidence in Denmark , Belgium , the Netherlands , Luxembourg and Liechtenstein . In Germany, the species has been documented from Baden-Württemberg , Bavaria , Saxony-Anhalt , Saxony (before 1900) and Thuringia . In Austria it is only known from Lower Austria , in Switzerland there is no current evidence.

Way of life

The broad-shouldered ibex lives mainly in the hill country and in the low mountain country in oak forests and parks. It is a type of forest with a clear preference for open, warm forest areas. The adults can be found from June to July. They are diurnal and fly around the tops of the breeding trees. It is possible that the species mainly lives in the treetops (acrodendrically). The females fly lower than the males and are detected accordingly more frequently. Isolated trees play a special role as rendezvous places; mating takes place in the treetops. The animals can also be found on the surrounding vegetation, such as nettles , low bushes and blackberries .

The broad-shouldered buck is monophagous and presumably develops exclusively in oaks ( Quercus ), but there is also evidence of hornbeam ( Carpinus betulus ), European beech ( Fagus sylvatica ), linden ( Tilia ) and elm ( Ulmus ). The larvae take at least three years to develop. The eggs are laid in oak roots, the larvae develop underground in dead roots of stumps or old trees. Lone standing trees or trees on the edge of the forest are preferred. The adult larvae overwinter and pupate in the ground in spring.


The broad- shouldered buck is a separate species of the longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae) and is classified there in the genus Akimerus within the Lepturinae . The first scientific description comes from Johann Nepomuk von Laicharting , who described it in 1784. In addition to this species, the genus contains the species Akimerus berchmansi Breit, 1915, which occurs in Turkey .

The name for the genus Akimerus is composed of the Greek “Akis” for “tip” and “meros” for “thigh”; it refers to the teeth on the middle and hind legs. The species is named after the Protestant theologian and entomologist Jacob Christian Schäffer . The German name refers to the beetle's broad shoulders.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "Species: Akimerus schaefferi (Laicharting, 1784) - broad- shouldered buck ." In: Bernhard Klausnitzer, Ulrich Klausnitzer, Ekkehard Wachmann, Zdeněk Hromádko: The longhorn beetles of Central Europe . Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 499, Volume 2, 4th edition. VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg 2018, ISBN 978-389432-864-1 ; Pp. 365-366
  2. ^ Karl Wilhelm Harde, František Severa: Der Kosmos Käferführer. The Central European beetle. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag-GmbH & Co, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-440-06959-1 ; P. 266.
  3. a b "10. Genus: Acimerus Serville. “In: Edmund Reitter : Fauna Germanica. The beetles of the German Empire. KG Lutz, Stuttgart 1912; Pp. 7-8. ( Digitized version )
  4. ^ Karl Wilhelm Harde (1966): 87. Fam. Cerambycidae. In: Heinz Freude, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse (Hrsg.): Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Volume 9. Cerambycidae Chrysomelidae. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-8274-0683-8 (first edition: Goecke & Evers, Krefeld 1966), on p. 21.
  5. a b Bernhard Klausnitzer, Ulrich Klausnitzer, Ekkehard Wachmann, Zdeněk Hromádko: The longhorn beetles of Central Europe . Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 499, Volume 1, 4th edition. VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg 2018, ISBN 978-389432-864-1 ; Pp. 105-107
  6. Akimerus schaefferi. Fauna Europaea, accessed June 16, 2020 .


  • "Species: Akimerus schaefferi (Laicharting, 1784) - broad- shouldered buck ." In: Bernhard Klausnitzer, Ulrich Klausnitzer, Ekkehard Wachmann, Zdeněk Hromádko: The longhorn beetles of Central Europe . Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 499, Volume 2, 4th edition. VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg 2018, ISBN 978-389432-864-1 ; Pp. 365-366

Web links

Commons : Broad- shouldered Ibex ( Akimerus schaefferi )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files