Brian Levant

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Brian Michael Levant (born August 6, 1952 in Highland Park , Illinois , USA ) is an American film director , screenwriter and film producer .

Short biography

Brian Levant, who grew up in Chicago and graduated from the University of New Mexico , began working in film and television in the mid-1970s as a producer of television series, including Mork from the Orc , or The Bears Are On The Go . He moved to the director's chair in the late 1980s, directing a handful of episodes of A Terribly Kind Family .

Levant, who shot well-known and successful film comedies in the mid-1990s, including A Dog Called Beethoven in 1992 , remained loyal to the comedy genre even after the turn of the millennium, and was behind the camera for Snow Dogs in 2002 .

Brian Levant is married and now lives in Los Angeles with his wife Allison and their three children .

Filmography (selection)


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