Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris

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Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris
- BSPP -

Lineup September 18, 1811
Country FranceFrance France
Armed forces Forces armées françaises
Armed forces Armée de Terre
Strength 8550
Insinuation Commandement terre pour le territoire national
Nickname La Brigade
motto Sauver ou périr
Web presence
Parisian firefighters at a parade
Paris fire brigade in action

The Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris (BSPP) is the Parisian fire service . It is a pioneer unit of the French army , which is subordinate to the police prefect of Paris and thus to the interior ministry.

Her responsibility extends to the city of Paris, the adjacent departments of Hauts-de-Seine , Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne as well as the European spaceport near Kourou in the overseas department of French Guiana .


The Paris fire department was founded in 1793 under the name Corps des gardes-pompes de la ville de Paris . After the fire at the Austrian embassy on July 1, 1810, Napoléon declared this corps to be a military unit under the new name of Bataillon de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris . In 1867 the fire brigade adopted the name Régiment de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris and in 1967 the current name Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris . Since the realignment of the French land forces in January 2016, it has been subordinate to the “Commandement terre pour le territoire national”.

The Paris fire brigade received international recognition after the fire in the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral on April 15, 2019. More than 500 firefighters were on duty.


The fire brigade has 76 fire stations , three of which are equipped for CBRN operations and two for water rescue. They are spatially combined into three groups ( Groupements d'Incendie et de Secours , GIS for short):

  • The 1st group (GIS) comprises the northeastern part of the metropolis and the Seine-Saint-Denis department
  • The 2nd group (GIS) comprises the south-eastern part of the metropolis and the Val-de-Marne department
  • The 3rd group (GIS) comprises the western part of the metropolis and the Hauts-de-Seine department

The staff is also divided into three further groups:

  • The 4th group ( Groupement des Appuis et de Secours , GAS for short) comprises the fire service specialists ( height rescue , water rescue, CBRN defense, search and rescue ) and is responsible for fire protection for certain facilities
  • The 5th group ( Groupement de Soutiens et de Secours , GSS for short) supports the BSPP in administrative, technical and logistical areas
  • The 6th group ( Groupement Formation Instruction et de Secours , GFIS for short) takes on the training and further education of firefighters

The command center is located on Place Jules Renard, near Porte de Champerret in the 17th arrondissement . General Jean-Marie Gontier has been in charge since November 30, 2019. The leader has the rank of général de brigade .


With a staff of 8,600, it is the third largest fire department in the world after the Tokyo Fire Department and the New York City Fire Department .

The BSPP completed 477,562 assignments in 2016, which is an increase of 6% compared to the previous year. The majority (81%) related to medical emergencies, only 3% to fires.

The fire brigade is an integral part of the annual military parades in Paris on the national holiday (July 14th). The flag delegation is armed with the FAMAS rifle .

BSPP has published the employee magazine Allô Dix-Huit every two months since 1947 with a circulation of 18,000. A partnership with the New York City Fire Department has existed since 2002 .

Web links

Commons : Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris (French)
  2. La Brigade de sapeurs pompiers de Paris à l'honneur à l'occasion de son bicentenaire (French)