Brigitte Pothmer

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Brigitte Pothmer (2009)

Brigitte Pothmer (born February 10, 1955 in Prisser ) is a German politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ).

Life and work

After completing her technical college entrance qualification, Brigitte Pothmer completed a degree in social education and social work at the Hildesheim / Holzminden University of Applied Sciences , which she completed with a degree in social education (FH). She then worked in youth and adult education and health education from 1982 to 1990 . From 1990 to 1994 she worked as a women's officer in the parliamentary group of the Greens in Lower Saxony .

Brigitte Pothmer is married. She lives in Hildesheim .

Political party

She has been a member of the Greens since 1992 and was state chairman of the Greens in Lower Saxony from May 2003 to November 2005.


Brigitte Pothmer was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament from 1994 to 2003 . Here she was most recently deputy parliamentary group leader and social policy group spokeswoman.

From 2005 she was a member of the German Bundestag and spokeswoman for the Bundestag faction Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen for labor market policy. Pothmer was a member of the Labor and Social Affairs Committee and a deputy member of the Health Committee . She belonged to the German-Romanian and German-Bulgarian parliamentary group of the Bundestag.

In the 2005, 2009 and 2013 elections, Brigitte Pothmer stood in the Bundestag constituency of Hildesheim and entered the Bundestag via the Lower Saxony state list .

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