Bronislaw Maj

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Bronisław Maj at the Sanok Castle (2014)

Bronisław Maj (born November 19, 1953 in Łódź ) is a Polish poet , essayist and translator .


Maj was born in Łódź and attended the XV there. Lyceum, graduated in Polish Philology from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow , where he also obtained his doctorate and now works as a professor.

He wrote books about the poet Tadeusz Gajcy and has received several prestigious awards, including the 1984 Kościelski Foundation Prize . Texts in German appeared in the anthology After the storms .


Poetry volumes:

  • Wiersze (poems), Warszawa, wydawnictwo NOWA, 1980
  • Taka wolność (Such freedom). Poems from the years 1971–1975, Warszawa, wydawnictwo MAW, 1981
  • Wspólne powietrze (1978–1979) (Common Air), Kraków, Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1981 (Kościelski Foundation Prize 1984)
  • Album rodzinny (family album ), Kraków, wydawnictwo Oficyna Literacka, 1986
  • Zagłada Świętego Miasta (The Destruction of the Holy City), London, wydawnictwo Puls, 1986
  • Zmęczenie (tiredness), Kraków, wydawnictwo “Znak” 1986
  • Światło (Light), Kraków, wydawnictwo Znak 1994
  • Elegie, treny, sny (elegies, lamentations, dreams), Kraków, wydawnictwo Znak 2003

Song lyrics


In 2001 he moderated the literary program "Spółdzielnia Usług Literackich Szatnia" on RMF FM


  • Krzysztof Karasek: Współczesna poezja polska. Antologia

Web links

Commons : Bronisław Maj  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ After the thunderstorms , anthology, Steidl-Verlag 1995