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Brunellia comocladiifolia

Brunellia comocladiifolia

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden I
Order : Wood sorrel (Oxalidales)
Family : Brunelliaceae
Genre : Brunellia
Scientific name of the  family
Engl. Ex Engl. & Prantl
Scientific name of the  genus
Ruiz & Pav.

The brunellia are the only genus of the family of Brunelliaceae in the order of sorrel-like (Oxalidales) within the angiosperms (Magnoliophyta). Spanish common names are Cedrillo or Crespilla.


They are a family with a purely neotropical distribution, so they only occur in the New World, more or less in the mountains of Central and South America from Mexico to Bolivia and on the Caribbean islands .


The Brunellia species are evergreen, tall trees . The foliage leaves, which are usually arranged opposite to one another or more seldom in a whirling manner on the branches, are seldom simple, usually one or more pinnate. The stipules are small.

There are zymöse or panicles inflorescences formed. The small, radial symmetry , mostly four to five-fold flowers are hermaphroditic or unisexual. If the flowers are unisexual, then the plants are dioeciously separated ( diocesan ). The bloom consists of only (four to eight) mostly five bloom cladding sheets that are fused at the base. There are two circles with four or five (rarely seven) free, fertile stamens each. Most of the four to five (two to eight) carpels are free.

The fruit is made up of several hairy follicles , each containing only one or two seeds.


Closest related are the Cephalotaceae Dum. with their only carnivorous species, Cephalotus follicularis . In the genus Brunellia and thus in the family there are around 55 to 64 species. Here is the list of species according to the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew :

  • Brunellia acostae Cuatrec. , Phytologia 4: 484 (1954): Panama to Ecuador.
  • Brunellia acutangula Bonpl. in FWHA by Humboldt & AJABonpland, Pl. Aequinoct. 1: 216 (1808) (Syn .: Brunellia espinalii Cuatrec. ): Eastern Columbia to Western Venezuela.
  • Brunellia amayensis C.I. Orozco , Caldasia 15 (71-75): 177 (1986): Colombia.
  • Brunellia boliviana Britton ex Rusby , Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3 (3): 13 (1893): Bolivia. With the varieties:
    • Brunellia boliviana var. Boliviana .
    • Brunellia boliviana var. Brittonii (Rusby) Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2 (Suppl.): 79 (1985).
  • Brunellia boqueronensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 174 (1970): Colombia.
  • Brunellia briquetii Baehni , Candollea 7: 361 (1938): Northern Peru.
  • Brunellia brunnea J.F. Macbr. , Candollea 5: 361 (1934): Peru.
  • Brunellia cayambensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 115 (1970): Southern Columbia to Northern Ecuador.
  • Brunellia comocladiifolia Bonpl. in FWHA by Humboldt & AJABonpland, Pl. Aequinoct. 1: 211 (1808). With the subspecies:
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. boyacensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 67 (1970): Colombia.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. comocladiifolia : southern Colombia to northern Ecuador.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. cubensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 77 (1970): Eastern Cuba.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. cundinamarcensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 68 (1970): Colombia.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. domingensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 74 (1970): Hispaniola to Puerto Rico.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. funckiana (Tul.) Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 69 (1979): Venezuela.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. guadalupensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 76 (1970): Guadeloupe.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. jamaicensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 72 (1970): Jamaica.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. josephensis cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 72 (1970): Costa Rica.
    • Brunellia comocladiifolia subsp. ptariana (Steyerm.) Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2:70 (1970): Southern Venezuela.
  • Brunellia costaricensis Standl. , J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17: 165 (1927): Costa Rica to Panama.
  • Brunellia cutervensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2 (Suppl.): 64 (1985): Peru.
  • Brunellia cuzcoensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 143 (1970): Peru.
  • Brunellia dichapetaloides J.F. Macbr . , Candollea 5: 361 (1934): Peru.
  • Brunellia dulcis J.F. Macbr. , Candollea 5: 362 (1934) (Syn .: Brunellia cuatrecasana C.I. Orozco ): Western Columbia, Peru.
  • Brunellia ecuadoriensis Cuatrec. , Fieldiana, Bot. 27:77 (1951): Ecuador.
  • Brunellia elliptica Cuatrec. , Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 5:35 (1942): Northeastern Colombia.
  • Brunellia ephemeropetala C.I. Orozco & Á.J.Pérez , Phytotaxa 311 (3): 266 (2017): Ecuador.
  • Brunellia farallonensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 169 (1970): Western Columbia.
  • Brunellia foreroi C.I. Orozco , Mutisia 50: 4 (1981): Western Columbia to Ecuador.
  • Brunellia glabra Cuatrec. , Phytologia 4: 485 (1954): Western Columbia.
  • Brunellia goudotii Tul. , Ann. Sc. Nat., Bot., III, 7: 270 (1847): Colombia.
  • Brunellia hexasepala Loes. , Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37: 531 (1906): Peru.
  • Brunellia hygrothermica Cuatrec. , Fieldiana, Bot. 27:76 (1951): Western Columbia to Ecuador.
  • Brunellia inermis Ruiz & Pav. , Fl. Peruv. Prodr. 4: 71 (1794): Ecuador and Peru.
  • Brunellia integrifolia Szyszyl. , Rozpr. Akad. Umiejetn., Wydz. Mat.-Przyr. 27: 141 (1894). With two subspecies:
    • Brunellia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia : Colombia and Venezuela.
    • Brunellia integrifolia subsp. mollis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 122 (1970): Colombia.
  • Brunellia latifolia Cuatrec. , Caldasia 3: 427 (1945): Colombia.
  • Brunellia littlei Cuatrec. , Phytologia 4: 482 (1954). With two subspecies:
    • Brunellia littlei subsp. caucana Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2 (Suppl.): 74 (1985): Colombia (Valle del Cauca)
    • Brunellia littlei subsp. littlei : Colombia to Ecuador, western Bolivia.
  • Brunellia macrophylla Killip & Cuatrec. , Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 5: 36 (1942) (Syn .: Brunellia almaguerensis Cuatrec. ): Eastern Colombia.
  • Brunellia mexicana standl. , J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17: 166 (1927): Central Mexico to Nicaragua.
  • Brunellia morii Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2 (Suppl.): 59 (1985): Panama.
  • Brunellia neblinensis Steyerm. & Cuatrec. , Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 635 (1987): Venezuela.
  • Brunellia occidentalis Cuatrec. , Caldasia 3: 427 (1945): Colombia.
  • Brunellia oliveri Britton , Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 16: 160 (1889): Bolivia.
  • Brunellia ovalifolia Bonpl. in FWHA by Humboldt & AJABonpland, Pl. Aequinoct. 1: 216 (1808): Ecuador to Peru.
  • Brunellia pallida Cuatrec. , Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 4: 342 (1941): Southern Colombia.
  • Brunellia pauciflora Cuatrec. & CIOrozco , Caldasia 16 (79): 453 (1991 publ. 1992): Ecuador.
  • Brunellia penderiscana Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 154 (1970): Colombia.
  • Brunellia pitayensis Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2 (Suppl.): 89 (1985): Colombia.
  • Brunellia propinqua Kunth in FWHA von Humboldt, AJABonpland & CSKunth, Nov. Gen. Col. 7: 45 (1824) (Syn .: Brunellia colombiana Cuatrec. ): Colombia.
  • Brunellia putumayensis Cuatrec. , Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 4: 342 (1941): Southern Colombia.
  • Brunellia racemifera Tul. , Ann. Sc. Nat., Bot., III, 7: 269 (1847): Colombia.
  • Brunellia rhoides Rusby , Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 4: 310 (1907): Bolivia.
  • Brunellia rufa Killip & Cuatrec. , Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 4: 341 (1941): Eastern Colombia.
  • Brunellia sibundoya Cuatrec. , Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 5: 35 (1942) (Syn .: Brunellia antioquensis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. , Brunellia coroicoana Cuatrec. , Brunellia sibundoya subsp. Sebastopola Cuatrec. ): Colombia to western Bolivia.
  • Brunellia standleyana Cuatrec. , Fl. Neotrope. Monogr. 2: 108 (1970): Costa Rica to Colombia.
  • Brunellia stenoptera Diels , notepad. Bot. Garden Berlin-Dahlem 15:45 (1940): Ecuador and Peru.
  • Brunellia stuebelii Hieron. , Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 21: 317 (1895): Colombia.
  • Brunellia subsessilis Killip & Cuatrec. , Phytologia 4: 483 (1954): Colombia.
  • Brunellia susaconensis (Cuatrec.) CIOrozco , Phytoneuron 2015-22: 2 (2015) (Syn .: Brunellia propinqua subsp. Susaconensis Cuatrec. ): Colombia.
  • Brunellia tomentosa Bonpl. in FWHA by Humboldt & AJABonpland, Pl. Aequinoct. 1: 214 (1808): Southwestern Colombia to Ecuador.
  • Brunellia trianae Cuatrec. , Caldasia 3: 429 (1945): Colombia.
  • Brunellia trigyna Cuatrec. , Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 5: 34 (1942): Eastern Colombia to northwestern Venezuela.
  • Brunellia velutina Cuatrec. , Fieldiana, Bot. 27:75 (1951) (Syn .: Brunellia hiltyana Cuatrec. ): Western Columbia.
  • Brunellia weberbaueri Loes. , Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37: 532 (1906): Peru.
  • Brunellia zamorensis Steyerm. , Phytologia 9: 344 (1963): Ecuador.



  • Jose Cuatrecasas et al .: Brunelliaceae , Flora Neotropica, Monograph, The New York Botanical Garden Press, Supplement edition, 1985, ISBN 9780-89327-2654

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Brunellia. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved September 19, 2018.

Web links

Commons : Brunellia  - collection of images, videos and audio files