Brunhilde Sunday

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Brunhilde Sonntag (born September 27, 1936 in Kassel ; † December 18, 2002 ) was a German composer , musicologist and music teacher .


Brunhilde Sonntag studied organ at the school for church music in Schlüchtern and pedagogy at the Pedagogical Institute in Jugenheim . From 1959 to 1963 she worked as a teacher at the Friedrich-Ebert-Schule in Frankfurt am Main and took private composition lessons with Kurt Hessenberg . From 1963 to 1969 she studied composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna with Otto Siegl and Gottfried von Eine and accepted a teaching position at the Music Department of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen .

From 1973 to 1977 Sonntag studied musicology at the Philipps University in Marburg and did his doctorate there. She accepted a position as an assistant at the Pedagogical University of Westphalia-Lippe (Münster department). From 1981 to 1992 she was a professor at the University of GH-Duisburg and in 1992 accepted a professorship at the University of Wuppertal .

Sonntag published a number of books and specialist articles on music. She was co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Musikpädagogik (ZfMP), co-editor of the cultural journal Klangspuren and editor of a series on music, art and consumption at LIT Verlag, Münster.


Sonntag composed for orchestra, chamber ensemble, voice, choir and solo instrument. Selected works include:

  • 1958: A cuckoo sat on a tree , cantata
  • 1958: When the valleys bloom , choir cantata
  • 1958: Christ is risen
  • 1959: House building piece , for piano
  • 1967/68: Skull Variations , for soprano and piano
  • 1976: Fantasy and Fugue on EGAH , for organ
  • 1978/81: Four piano pieces
  • 1981: EKG , collage
  • 1981: The tragic millipede
  • 1981: Hallelujah! Variations on “Oh, when the Saints go marching in” , for soprano, clarinet and piano
  • 1981: Letters to publishers , song for tenor and piano
  • 1982: Kume, kum, journeyman min , for organ
  • 1982: Von gute Mächten , (setting “ Von gute Mächten ” by Bonhoeffer) for a cappella choir
  • 1983: Five songs , with text by P. Celan and R. Ausländer for soprano and piano
  • 1983: Metamorphoses Study , for orchestra
  • 1983: But I tell you: love your enemies , for the choir, speaker and organ
  • 1984: Flute playing , song with test by H. Hesse
  • 1984: Three miniatures , for oboe, clarinet, trumpet
  • 1984: Five miniatures , for organ
  • 1984: string quartet
  • 1986: Stagnations , trio for flute, horn and cello
  • 1987: Spiegelungen , for piano (with text)
  • 1987: Akrostichon , for solo guitar
  • 1987: Tefilla , for piano
  • 1988: Lullaby for Stefan , for solo guitar
  • 1988: Three songs , with text by Ulla Hahn for soprano and piano
  • 1988: ANIMUS 2 , for string quartet
  • 1988: FARBENKUGEL , for organ
  • 1988: Et vitam venturi saeculi , for organ
  • 1989: DIALOG , for guitar duo
  • 1991: O death, how bitter you are , for orchestra
  • 1991: Five songs , with Japanese lyrics for soprano and guitar
  • 1991: Rote Bänder , for guitar duo
  • 1991: Danse fatale , for violin and accordion
  • 1991: Five songs , with text by Busta for soprano and guitar
  • 1991: SOLO for Esther , for solo chello
  • 1991: Your silence is great , text by R. Ausländer and M. Jaroschka Chor a cappella
  • 1992: No matter how gray it rains , three songs with text by G. Eich for soprano, oboe, flute and guitar
  • 1992: As if it were an angel , for piano
  • 1992: LAUDATE , for tenor, violin and organ
  • 1992: Music , for string quartet
  • 1993: Study , for flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, viola and violoncello
  • 1993: It's a reaper, called death , for string quartet
  • 1994: IRRITATIONS , song with text by JvEichendorff, RM Rilke, H. Hesse, E. Burkart for mezzo-soprano and piano
  • 1994: DIE MÖVE JONATHAN , for string quartet, flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet and piano
  • 1994: IRRITATIONS , with text by JvEichendorff, RMRilke, H.Hessen. E. Burkart for soprano, string quartet, flute, oboe, piano and guitar
  • 1994: JAKOB LITTNER'S RECORDINGS FROM A DROUGH HOLE , (W. Koeppen) Music for speaker, string quartet, flute, oboe, trumpet and piano
  • 1994: Are you crying in the world , songs with text by Else Lasker-Schüler for soprano and piano
  • 1994: Two piano pieces
  • 1995: Munich flute duo , for Elisabeth and Edmund Weinzierl-Wächter
  • 1995: A sad day , songs with lyrics by Marta Krutul
  • 1995: SHALOM


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Julie Anne Sadie, Rhian Samuel: The Norton / Grove Dictionary of Women Composers . WW Norton & Company, 1994, ISBN 978-0-393-03487-5 , pp. 434 ( ).
  2. a b Brunhilde Sunday - DCMA. In:, accessed on February 10, 2020 .
  3. ^ The life and work of the composer Brunhilde Sonntag. In: 2011, archived from the original on July 19, 2011 ; accessed on February 10, 2020 .