Bruno Arturowitsch Freindlich

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Bruno Freindlich ( Russian Бруно Артурович Фрейндлих ., Scientific transliteration Bruno Arturovič Frejndlich ; born September 27, jul. / 10. October  1909 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 9 July 2002 (according to other sources 7. July 2002) ibid) was a Soviet actor.


Bruno Freindlich was born into a family of glassblowers of German descent.

From 1931 he worked at the Leningrad Theater of Young Workers and later at the Theater of Young Audiences. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War , the troops were evacuated to Berezniki . After the war, Freindlich was accepted into the troupe of the Great Gorky Drama Theater , where he played for two years. Since 1948 he was a member of the Alexandrinsky Theater troupe .

Freindlich was also known as a film actor.


Bruno Freindlich was married twice and had two daughters. His daughter from his first marriage, Alissa Freindlich , is also a well-known actress.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1949: The first SOS ( Александр Попов )
  • 1950: Melody of Life ( Мусоргский )
  • 1952: Rimsky-Korsakov ( Римский-Корсаков )
  • 1955: The twelfth night ( Двенадцатая ночь )
  • 1957: Don Quixote ( Дон Кихот )
  • 1958: In the days of October ( В дни Октября )
  • 1958: Those who come after us ( Отцы и дети )
  • 1964: The State Criminal ( Государственный преступник )
  • 1968: Dead season ( Мёртвый сезон )
  • 1969: Tchaikovsky ( Чайковский )
  • 1973: cement ( Цемент )
  • 1976: That's none of my business ( Меня это не касается )
  • 1978: A declaration of love ( Объяснение в любви )
  • 1985: The Battle of Moscow ( Битва за Москву )
  • 1989: Stalingrad ( Сталинград )


Web links

Individual evidence
