Bruno Endrejat

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(Gustav) Bruno Endrejat (born May 19, 1908 in Friedrichswalde ; † April 21 or April 23, 1945 in Neuengamme ) was a German resistance fighter against National Socialism and a prisoner in Neuengamme concentration camp .


Endrejat came from the family of a farm worker. His father was a chamberlain on an estate near Königsberg . After attending elementary school, he learned a trade in metalworking . When he was twenty he went to Hamburg . Here he found a job in the Ottensener iron works . Later he was employed by August H. Lehnhoff as the person responsible for tool dispensing. In these large enterprises, Endrejat made connections with the resistance group Bästlein-Jacob-Abshagen . Together with the heating fitter Heinrich Matz , the chemigrapher Kurt Schill , his wife Hilde Schill and the locksmith William Dabelstein , he formed a group of five that mainly produced and distributed educational pamphlets. According to another source, Walter Stödter , Gerd Schmarander and Adolf Wolf belonged to this group. They also supported the persecuted financially and through donations in kind. They designed leaflets that they produced with their own duplicating machine. In one of their writings they protested against the threatened execution of the KPD leader Etkar André . When Allied airplanes destroyed the Gestapo prison in Fuhlsbüttel in the autumn of 1942 , numerous prisoners were given leave of absence until the destroyed cells were restored. However, some of the detainees did not return to prison and went into hiding. Among them was the ship carpenter Walter Bohne , whom Endrejat had got to know from working together in the Ottensen plant. He hid it in his apartment for some time in July 1943. After Bohne was shot dead by the Gestapo when he was arrested at Klosterstern station on January 5, the Endrejat couple were arrested the following day. On April 20, 1945, the Fuhlsbüttel Gestapo prison was evacuated in view of the impending takeover of Hamburg by Allied troops. The "serious cases" of political resistance were sent to Neuengamme concentration camp, where they were hanged or shot without a court judgment . Bruno Endrejat was one of them.

Endrejat was married to Grete Erna nee Liedtke, who also stood by her husband in the resistance. When Fuhlsbüttel was evacuated, she was taken to the Kiel-Hassee labor camp , from which she was released with physical damage. She died on August 5, 1991 in Hamburg.

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  2. Retrieved August 20, 2011