Association of German Unitarians

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The Association of German Unitarian - religious group European spirit eV (BDU) is a far-right religious and ideological community, a pantheistic and also ethnically dominated Unitarianism represents. In addition to the right-wing extremist pioneer of the New Right Sigrid Hunke , other new right and national revolutionary authors such as Peter Bahn belong to the BDU.


The Union of German Unitarians had around 300 members in 1997, currently (2013) there are around 150 members.

In the register of associations, two independent communities with the name "Bund Deutscher Unitarians - Religious Community of the European Spirit" are recorded:

  • for the "Central Hesse area" at the Friedberg District Court VR 737 and
  • for the "Hannover-Celle area" at the Hanover District Court VR 6206.

Meetings of the community take place regularly in the Gießen area and in the Büsum area.


According to the statutes, the purpose of the association is to “bring together and care for people of German-Unitarian religiosity in the European spirit in the pursuit of religious knowledge. ... The purpose of the community is to be achieved

a) through cultivating religious and moral community life, through lectures and celebrations, as well as through conversations and social gatherings;
b) by organizing celebrations in the course of the year and curriculum vitae;
c) by instructing young people in life skills, religion and culture;
d) through mutual help in all cases of daily life. "

The community appeals in its self-understanding u. a. to the German Faith Movement and its founder Jakob Wilhelm Hauer , according to which "for us, as for Germanic, German people in general, the world is not remote from God, but the presence of God himself." On the website of the community it says: "Religion as the essential basis of culture enables us ... to maintain and strengthen our own national identity. "

In addition to thematic celebrations, the community also holds celebrations in the annual cycle (summer solstice, harvest thanksgiving, pre-Christmas hour) and organizes two national events annually (May trip, autumn conference). The May trip on May 22, 2011 led u. a. to the former prisoner of war camp Bretzenheim ( field of misery ). The Diseuse Imke Barnstedt appeared at the autumn conferences in 2009 and 2010 .

In the invitation to the autumn meeting of the community under the motto "Identity in the awareness of where from and where to" on 15. – 17. October 2010 Stefan Kaus writes in the preface:

“We, our children and grandchildren will have to search for and find our identity, without which no meaningful life is possible, in ourselves - as members of certain racial and ethnic communities. Those characteristics that have been developed over thousands of years and shaped the European folk spirits and the character of the individual can only be preserved if enough members of the people today bind and reproduce in accordance with their nature. But this cannot be guaranteed without an identity based on ancestry. Peoples with a long history have always taken that to heart. "

According to the current statutes, if the association is dissolved, the assets of the association fall to the ancestral association Conneforde eV This association operates a forest cemetery near the municipality of Varel near Oldenburg , where many old Nazis have found their final resting place. Chairman of the association is the NPD founding member Alfred Manke from Bassum .


After the reorientation of the German Unitarian Religious Community (DUR) in 1989 to liberal and international Unitarians, the ethnic-oriented members split off and founded the “Bund Deutscher Unitarians”. In the DUR, after 1948, remnants of the völkisch German faith movement joined forces with free Protestant communities and pantheists .

The registered association was set up in Friedberg (Hesse) with the statutes of March 17, 1989 and entered into the register of associations at the Friedberg / Hess district court on May 16, 1989. registered. Founding board members were Annedore Küthe geb. Seikritt (1st chairman), Margot Koch b. Ehrhardt (deputy chairman), Wolfgang Traxel (cash desk) and Karin Gläser (writing). The name at that time was "Bund Deutscher Unitarians - Religious Community of the European Spirit, Central Hesse Area"; At the general assembly of members on September 12th, 2009 in Giessen, the deletion of the regional reference of the name was decided for the first time, in order to be able to speak for all members in the federal territory after "dissolution of the Mittelholstein area ... This deletion without replacement was entered in the register of associations for the first time with the entry as a result of the renewed resolution of September 3, 2011.

Alongside Sigrid Hunke , Karlheinz Küthe and Bernhard Bühler are among the “founding fathers” of the community.


“After 1945, many former German believers found their way to the German Unitarian religious community . There they embodied an important line of tradition that emphasized the holistic Indo-European roots of a literally unitarian - and therefore not monotheistic-anti-Trinitarian - religion and developed it further over decades. Only for a few years this ... source current of German Unitarianism has been questioned by the leadership of the religious community [of the German Unitarians] ... In the overall context of free religious and ideological communities, the current outlined embodies the actually new, forward-looking element ... In contrast, the current reorientation of the German Unitarian religious community on socianism and the Judeo-Christian legacy represents a relapse into the semi-Christian free community of the 19th century and the long outdated anti-Trinitarianism of the 16th century ... "

The leading figure of the community Sigrid Hunke adds: “After the total break of the German Unitarian religious community with the law of the Unitas as unity of the divine with man, nature, world in the European sense, after which it began in 1950, the European religion of the European spirit lives in the federation German Unitarian - religious community of the European spirit and in the working group of Europe's own religion in its unbroken continuity for three millennia. "The German Unitarian religious community, on the other hand," has been officially represented since 1989 by Wolfgang Deppert , Hans-Dietrich Kahl and Horst Prem , unexpectedly transferring its origin the anti-Trinitarianism of rabbinic theology back to Judaism and its Mosaic monotheism. The Unitarian religion 'emerged from early Christianity - like Christians from Judaism'. "

Organization and members

The board of directors of the entire community on November 7th, 2012 were Annedore Küthe born Seikritt, Gießen (1st chairman), Ralf Kaiser , Weinheim (vice chairman), Hedwig Schnerch, Usingen (treasurer).

The board of directors of the registered association for the Hanover-Celle area are Jutta Marienfeld, Hanover (1st chairman), Hertha Schöne, Hanover (vice chairman), Karl-Heinz Köppelmann, Hanover (cash desk) and Ute Bünger, Vechelde (secretary) .

Member Bettina Binsteiner “according to information from the Thuringian state government belongs to the right-wing extremist association Gedächtnisstätte e. V. as a member and maintains contacts with the neo-Nazi society for free journalism e. V. In addition, she is active in the extreme right-wing, folk-esoteric Association of German Unitarians - religious community of the European spirit (not to be confused with the non-right-wing extremist German Unitarian religious community). She recently appeared as a speaker (March 30th – April 1st, 2012) in the 'Schlosshotel Pommersfelden' (Bavaria) at the 'Readers' Meeting' of the right-wing extremist publishing house Reading & Gift by Dietmar Munier. "

Wolf-Dieter Schröppe , a former Waldorf educator from Minden, who was criticized in 2015 for allegations of right-wing extremist contacts and dismissed from school after these contacts became known , was a member of the Bund Deutscher Unitarians for ten years in the 1990s. In 1995 Schröppe and his family became a member of the Central Hesse community, and in April 1997 he was elected 2nd chairman of this area. In February 1998 he spoke as deputy head of department in Gießen on the subject: Song of Loyalty - the meaning of life for Germans abroad . The announcement said: “Mr. Schröppe, from the Baltic States on his father's side, was an Argentinean German - he, his wife and four children were born there - 'migrated back' to Germany a few years ago, in order to primarily protect his children To preserve foreign infiltration of the Germanness there. So he knows what he's talking about. "


  • Faith and Work, bimonthly magazine

The booklets are with the old German month names "Hartung / Hornung" (January / February), "Lenzing / Ostermond" (March / April), "Wonnemond / Brachet" (May / June), "Heuert / Ernting" (July / August / December) called), "Scheiding / Gilbhart" (September / October), "Nebelmond / Julmond" (November, and the texts of the journal are mostly in Gothic script set, "to give them by a special touch." In the 1/2010 edition, the chairwoman and editor-in-chief Annedore Küthe addresses the young readers and offers a “reading aid” for this font: “After all, both the old German print and the old German cursive are no longer dealt with in school. That is a shame, as there are of course still many old books in Gothic script that are definitely worth reading. "


Web links


  1. ^ Articles of Association, version dated September 3, 2011
  2. so Annedore Küthe in Glaub und Wirken 5/2008, p. B, quote Hauer here in italics
  3. ^ Website of the Federation of German Unitarians,, accessed on October 24, 2012
  4. Faith and Work 2/2011, S. C
  5. ^ Faith and Work 6/2009 and 6/2010, each p. C
  6. Invitation to the autumn conference 2010 in Bad Laer, preface
  7. Focus online
  8. ^ Gerhard Krause, Gerhard Müller: Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Walter de Gruyter, 2002, p. 336.
  9. Faith and Work 6/2009, S. B
  10. ^ Register of associations of the Friedberg District Court (Hesse), VR 737, accessed on November 7, 2012
  11. 25 years “Bund Deutscher Unitarians” - review. In: Belief and Work 2/2012, S. B
  12. ^ Peter Bahn : Unitarianism or Secularized Christianity? Sketches to clarify the history of ideas. In: Bund Deutscher Unitarians (Ed.): Building blocks  1. Gießen without a year, p. 13f ( PDF, accessed October 24, 2012).
  13. Sigrid Hunke : The origin of the Unitarian religion. In: Bund Deutscher Unitarians (Ed.): Building blocks  1. Gießen without a year, pp. 27–31 ( PDF, accessed October 24, 2012).
  14. Register of associations of the Friedberg District Court (Hessen), VR 737, entry 3, accessed on November 7, 2012
  15. Register of Associations at the Hanover Local Court, VR 6209, accessed on November 20, 2013
  16. Faith and Work 4/2011
  17. Mobit: Handout - See the houses on the right , p. 8.
  18. Article at a glance to the right (online)
  19. Faith and Work Sep / Oct 1995, May / Jun 1997 and Jan / Feb 1998 (each unpaginated yellow insert of the Central Hesse area).
  20. Annedore Küthe: To our young readers. In: Faith and Work 1/2010, S. B.