Federal Center for Asylum Seekers

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A Federal Center for Asylum Seekers or Federal Asylum Center (BAZ) is a federal institution in Switzerland for the care and supply of asylum seekers . The procedures in the centers are regulated in the Asylum Act. The centers are set up by the federal government in accordance with Section 24 AsylG and run by the State Secretariat for Migration .

Situation from 2014

Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga and the cantons agreed at the national asylum conference in March 2014, among other things, to set up six asylum regions with a total of 16 federal centers for a total of 5,000 people.

The federal centers are located in Zurich-West , Canton Zurich ; in Schwarzenberg , canton Lucerne , in the former military shelter in Eigenhal; in Bremgarten , Canton Aargau ; in Perreux NE , Canton Neuchâtel , for 250 people; in Allschwil , Canton of Basel-Country . In Allschwil there was a temporary facility in Pratteln until Easter 2012 , while the asylum accommodation Atlas at Vogesenweg 9 with its 150 places became the official branch of the Federal Reception and Procedure Center Basel (EVZ) since October 1, 2012.

Situation from March 2019

After the revised Asylum Act came into force in March 2019, accelerated asylum procedures are to be implemented. A distinction is made between BAZ with a procedural function (BAZmV), BAZ without a procedural function (BAZoV) and special centers (BesoZ) for the accommodation of asylum seekers who disrupt the public peace and order or the operation of the center.

The accelerated procedures are decentralized and take place in six asylum regions. Asylum seekers now receive free advice and legal representation. Anyone who has received a right of residence or has reached a maximum stay of 140 days in a BAZ is assigned to a canton. (Before March 2019, the maximum length of stay was 90 days.)

The placement in the BAZ must not exceed the threshold for deprivation of liberty. According to a study by the SKMR , even relatively long confinement times do not qualify as a restriction of freedom if the daily outcome is guaranteed and further restrictions are missing.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. 2a. Section: Centers of the Federal Asylum Act of June 26, 1998 (as of March 1, 2019), with Articles 24 to 24e
  2. http://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/neu-sechs-asylregionen-mit-bundeszentren-und-raschere-entscheide
  3. https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/de/home/aktuell/news/2015/2015-05-26.html
  4. http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/zuerich/region/inhalt-2/asyl-bundeszentrum-in-zuerich/s.html
  5. http://www.suedostschweiz.ch/politik/bundeszentrum-fuer-asylsuchende-im-eigenthal
  6. http://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/aargau/kanton-aargau/asylunterkunft-in-bremgarten-praktisch-keine-probleme-127349198
  7. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/romandie/story/31306099
  8. http://www.basellandschaftlichezeitung.ch/basel/baselbiet/allschwil-unterstuetzt-den-bund-mit-einem-asylzentrum-124770546
  9. ^ Fact sheet on the restructuring of asylum: Regions and Federal Asylum Centers. SEM, October 2018, accessed March 2, 2019 .
  10. New asylum procedure from 2019. Swiss Refugee Aid, accessed on March 2, 2019 .
  11. Internment of asylum seekers in Switzerland. Published by Humanrights.ch , February 23, 2018, accessed on March 2, 2019 .