Alt-Albeck castle ruins

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Alt-Albeck castle ruins
Alt-Albeck castle ruins

Alt-Albeck castle ruins

Creation time : 10th century
Castle type : Niederungsburg
Conservation status: Wall remains
Place: Albeck
Geographical location 46 ° 48 '33.5 "  N , 14 ° 4' 18.6"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 48 '33.5 "  N , 14 ° 4' 18.6"  E
Alt-Albeck castle ruins (Carinthia)
Alt-Albeck castle ruins

The remains of a castle near Albeck in Carinthia are known as the Alt-Albeck castle ruins . The building , erected in the 10th century, was first mentioned in a document in 1155. From the end of the 17th century, the castle was largely demolished, so that only a few remains of the wall can be seen today. The ruin is a listed building .


The castle was built in the 10th century on a rock cone above the Engen Gurk , after the area around today's Albeck was donated to the Counts of Friesach-Zeltschach, the ancestors of the Hemma von Gurk, in 898 . In 1043, the Albeck rulership gave these to the nunnery in Gurk, which they founded . After this was dissolved again in 1070, the Archdiocese of Salzburg handed over its properties to the newly founded Diocese of Gurk . A family named after Albeck was used as a fief .

The first written mention of the castle, which controlled the middle Gurktal, is not found until 1155, when the structure was expanded. From 1160 Rudolfus de Albek († 1191) is named as the owner, whose son Dietrich von Albeck († 1194) was Bishop of Gurk. Since Rudolfus' younger son Poppo had also remained childless, the property was donated to the Gurk diocese. Subsequently, however, there were inheritance disputes between the diocese and Rudolfus' cousin, Liutold von Peggau, and his brother Ulrich I. von Peggau-Pfannberg. While Liuthold immediately renounced the inheritance, the disputes between Ulrich and the Gurk bishop dragged on for many years, during which Ulrich was finally excommunicated after he had devastated church property in a feud against the Gurk bishop.

It was not until 1264 that the rule was finally again under the control of the diocese. Initially, own ministerials were set up with the rule, after 1339, however, mainly carers , who from the middle of the 15th century also exercised high jurisdiction in the rule .

Albeck Castle on an engraving by Valvasor (1688)

A restoration of the castle by the keeper Ulrich von Basayo is documented for 1651, and further repair work was carried out under Bishop Johann VIII (r. 1675–1696). Valvasor depicts the property in 1688 as still completely intact, although he describes it as being “in a rather wild and hideous place”. However, the castle was demolished as early as the end of the 17th century. The stones were used for the construction of Albeck Castle , which was built around 1700 as a new mansion about two kilometers from the old castle. The entrance gate of the castle is the old castle gate .


Since most of the castle has been demolished, the remains of the castle are only sparse, mostly overgrown with plants and difficult to find in the forest. There are still remains of a round tower and the chapel that was still in use in 1870. The square choir and the semicircular triumphal arch of the chapel built in the 12th or 13th century in Romanesque style can still be seen.


Individual evidence

  1. Entry on Albeck Castle Ruins (Alt-Albeck) in the Austria Forum

Web links

Commons : Burgruine Alt-Albeck  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • Entry via Albeck to Burgen-Austria