Burkhard Scharf

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Burkhard Scharf (2005)

Burkhard Wilhelm Scharf (born September 2, 1943 in Posen ) is a German biologist who has published in the fields of zoology , limnology and paleolimnology .


After studying and completing his doctorate at Kiel University , Burkhard Scharf worked at the Rhineland-Palatinate State Office for Water Management in Mainz , primarily on "lake therapy". In 1992 he moved to the Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle (UFZ), branch of the Institute for Water Research in Magdeburg , where he worked until his retirement in 2004.

In his honor a colloquium was held in Kulice near Nowogard in West Pomerania ( Poland ) in 2004 . The lectures are published in the journal Studia Quaternaria (Volume 21, 2004). held.

Burkhard Scharf has lived in Bremen since 2006.



Burkhard Scharf has researched the shellfish fauna of Germany, especially the Maar lakes in the Eifel , as well as of waters on other continents.


He has mainly carried out work on lake therapy (improving the water quality of lakes) and has written several summarizing papers on this.


Paleolimnology makes it possible to reconstruct the history of the lake by evaluating information contained in drill cores. Burkhard Scharf has drilled holes in the sediments of lakes in Germany (e.g. Maarseen, Arendsee), southern Sweden , Central and South America , India and Indonesia .

Individual evidence

  1. Meisch, C. 2004; see literature

Works (selection)

  • Hollwedel, W., Scharf, BW, Glatzel, T. 2008. Distribution of water fleas, mussel crabs and copepods in limnic waters of the East Frisian Islands. Publication series Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park 11: 123-130. ISSN  1432-7937 .
  • Khandelwal A., Mohanti M., Garcia-Rodriguez F., Scharf BW 2007. Vegetation history and sea level variations during the last 13,500 years inferred from a pollen record at Chilika Lake, Orissa, India. Veget Hist Archaeobot ( doi : 10.1007 / s00334-007-0127-5 ).
  • Hupfer, M., Scharf, BW 2002. Lake therapy. - in Steinberg, C., Calamo, W., Klapper, H., Wilken, RD (eds.): Handbook of applied limnology. Landsberg (Ecomed) VI-2.1: 1-67.
  • Scharf, BW, Heitkamp, ​​U., Hartmann, G., Müller, A. 2002. On the ostracode fauna of the Harz Mountains and its foothills. Announcements of the Natural Science Association Goslar 7: 195-218. Goslar.
  • Scharf, BW 1998. Eutrophication history of Lake Arendsee (Germany). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 140: 85-9.
  • Scharf, BW & Björk, S. (eds.). 1992. Limnology of Eifel maar lakes. Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih. Result. Limnol. 38: 348 pp, Stuttgart.
  • Scharf, BW, 1988. Living ostracods from the nature reserve Hoerdter Rheinaue (Germany). In T. Hanai, & K. Ishizaki (eds): Evolutionary Biology of Ostracoda. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 11: 501-517. Tokyo, Amsterdam.
  • Scharf, BW et al., 2009. On the origin of the Arendsee. A comparison of paleolimnological investigations with the results of a model experiment . News bulletin working group underwater archeology 15: 37-50.


  • Meisch, C. 2004. Burkhard Scharf's contribution to the study of shellfish (Crustacea, Ostracoda). Studia Quaternaria No. 21, pp. 11-14.

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