Celestine Spegele

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Cölestin Spegele (born April 2, 1761 in Weißenhorn ; † March 29, 1831 in Waldsee?) Was a Catholic theologian and professor at the Catholic State University of Ellwangen in Württemberg.

Spegele completed his preliminary studies at the Wiblingen Monastery . He then studied philosophy in Augsburg and theology in Freiburg . In 1779 he entered the Benedictine monastery of St. Georgen in Villingen . After the monastery was closed, he became a professor of hermeneutics in Rottweil in 1810 .

In the academic year 1812/13 he went as rector to the state university newly founded by Württemberg , where Johann Sebastian von Drey (1777-1853) also worked. Among his students was u. a. the later top theologian Johann Adam Möhler from Tübingen .

Other Ellwang theology professors were Johann Nepomuk Bestlin (1768-1831), Peter Alois Gratz (1769-1849) and the well-known canon lawyer Karl Wachter (1764-1822). All of them had only recently received their doctorate from the Catholic theological faculty in Freiburg , as the newly unified kingship was pressing for the university to be established quickly.

At the end of 1814, however, Spegele suspended his professorship and took over the parish of Ziegelbach in the Oberamt Waldsee near Ravensburg. Johann Georg Herbst , who also became his successor, partially represented him at the faculty . One reason for Spegele's resignation was the planned incorporation of the theological faculty into the University of Tübingen , which was then carried out in 1817-1818.
