Callisia micrantha

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Callisia micrantha
Order : Commelina-like (Commelinales)
Family : Commelina plants (Commelinaceae)
Subfamily : Commelinoideae
Genre : Callisia
Type : Callisia micrantha
Scientific name
Callisia micrantha
( Torr. ) DRHunt

Callisia micrantha is a species of the genus Callisia inthe Commelina family (Commelinaceae). The specific epithet micrantha is derived from the Greek words mikros for 'small' and anthos for 'blossom'.


Callisia micrantha grows in tufts or creeps, is occasionally prostrate and reaches a length of 1 meter and more. The succulent, green, practically bare leaves have purple lines on their underside. They are pointed, narrowly lanceolate to elongated, as well as somewhat sickle-shaped and runny. The leaves are 1.5 to 2.5 inches long and 0.5 to 0.6 inches wide.

The inflorescence consists of mostly terminal and sitting, paired wraps . The bright pink-violet flowers stand on 8 to 12 millimeter long peduncles and reach a diameter of 1 to 1.5 centimeters. The stamens are bearded, their connective yellow. The scar is heady.

Systematics and distribution

Callisia micrantha is found in the United States in the southeastern state of Texas .

The first description as Tradescantia micrantha by John Torrey was published in 1858. David Richard Hunt placed the species in the genus Callisia in 1983 .



Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05597-3 , p. 153.
  2. John Torrey: Botany of the Boundary . In: Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey, made under the direction of the secretary of the Interior, by William H. Emory . Volume 2, Washington 1859, p. 224 ( online ).
  3. ^ David Richard Hunt: New Names in Commelinaceae. American Commelinaceae: XI . In: Kew Bulletin . Volume 38, Number 1, 1983, p. 131 ( JSTOR 4107975 ).

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