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Brand logo
A 0.7 liter bottle of Campari (2016)

Campari is the brand name for an Italian liqueur (within the meaning of the EU Spirits Regulation) of the Campari Group . However, because of its predominantly bitter taste, it is sold with the sales name bitter and is mostly used as an aperitif in long drinks or cocktails . In Germany it has an alcohol content of 25 % vol . Characteristic of Campari is its striking red color. In 2011, Campari was one of the 50 most valuable spirits brands worldwide.


The history of Camparis is said to have started as early as the 1840s with the development of the original recipe by Gaspare Campari , who laid the roots for the spirits company Davide Campari, Milano, SpA, which was later named after his son in 1860. In 1904 the first Campari production facility was opened in Sesto San Giovanni . The operation sponsored bars that displayed the brand logo. Under the direction of Davide Campari, the company began exporting the drink; at first only to Nice , but soon also overseas. In 1904, for example, the company Ceruti Mercantile Co. in San Francisco was recommended as the sole importer and the two products Cordial Campari (no longer produced today) as an after-dinner liqueur and the Campari Bitter for enjoyment just like Amer Picon , with mineral water or with vermouth . In a bar book published in New York after 1911 there is an advertisement for the importer GG Granata & CO. , in which Campari is advertised as Bitter and Cordial with an alcohol content of 31%.

Campari is currently available in over 190 countries.


Cordial Campari (1970s)

The recipe is said to contain over 80 ingredients and is kept secret, but has changed several times over the decades and depending on the sales market. Well-known ingredients include quinine and bitter herbs, rhubarb , pomegranate , spices, ginseng , citrus oil, orange peel . One of the main ingredients is the bark of the cascarilla tree . The natural food coloring carmine (E 120) obtained from cochineal scale insects has long been used for the intense red color . In 2006 the company decided to switch to artificial colorings, so that, according to company information, only the colorings tartrazine (E 102), azorubine (E 122) and brilliant blue FCF (E 133) are used today. This means that the product on the German market no longer contains any ingredients of animal origin. The change of the recipe was, however, controversial in specialist circles, as the taste of the liqueur changed noticeably after 2007. It has become more bitter and sweeter, shows fewer orange notes and is less complex compared to the old recipe.

The ingredients are soaked in distilled water and ethanol is added. After a few days, the mixture is freed of debris in several filter passes and filled into large, internally glazed containers and brought to drinking strength with water and sugar syrup. After 30 days of rest, the drink is filtered again and bottled. The alcohol content of the end product fluctuates between 20.5 and 28.5% by volume, depending on the country, in Germany it is 25% by volume. At 24.8% by weight, the sugar content is even ahead of the alcohol content. According to the Campari Group, only Luca Garavoglia, the company's president, with the help of the technical director and eight employees, produces the basic concentrate. Luca Garavoglia is also said to be the only person who knows the full original recipe.


Campari soda
Campari soda

Because of its bitter taste, Campari is rarely drunk neat. They are commonly used in long drinks such as Campari soda, Campari orange and Campari tonic. The Americano and Negroni are among the most famous cocktails with Campari .

In Italy and some other countries, Campari Soda is also offered as a mixture with soda water (in a 40:60 ratio) with 10% vol. The small, cone-shaped bottles with almost 100 ml content were designed in 1932 by the futurist Fortunato Depero . Since the product due to the low alcohol content of 10% vol. no longer falls under the EU Spirits Regulation, the ingredients are also shown on the packaging in Germany. In addition to water, sugar, (neutral) alcohol and carbon dioxide, it contains a “herbal infusion” and azorubine (E 122) as a coloring agent .


In 1974 Campari became the first jersey advertising partner of Hamburger SV , which at the time was only the second football club in Germany to use this advertising method.

Web links

Commons : Campari  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the trademark register of the DPMA .
  2. Spirits Regulation EC No. 110/2008 (PDF) , Appendix II No. 32.
  3. Source: Bottle label, for the right to choose the sales names, see Spirits Regulation EC No. 110/2008 (PDF) Chap. 2 Art. 9 No. 3, on "Bitter" see Appendix II No. 30.
  4. Top 50 Spirits (in English) 46th place in the global ranking of spirits brands according to the brand value estimate from, accessed on January 27, 2012.
  5. Business note from Cerruti Mercantile Co. in: Pacific Wine & Spirit Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, November 30, 1904, p. 44, published in San Francisco. Last accessed on July 5, 2018.
  6. Jack A. Grohusko: Jack's Manual On the Vintage and Production, Care and Handling of Wines, Liquors, etc. 3rd ed. Selbstverlag, New York 1910 (English, advertisement attached (without page number). The 3rd edition must be after 1911 because another advertisement referred to a spirits prize awarded in 1911.).
  7. Manufacturer information, source on this and on the dyes: Campari Deutschland GmbH, Munich, information from the press office of December 22, 2010 on an e-mail request.
  8. ^ Armin Zimmermann: Boulevardier. In: June 5, 2017, accessed July 5, 2018 .
  9. Manufacturer information, source: Campari Deutschland GmbH, information from the Director PR & External Affairs from January 9, 2012 on an e-mail request.
  10. See order of the French-language or Dutch ingredient declaration on the label (0.7l bottle, 25% vol., Code LF / SD1101, Campari France).
  11. ^ Company website for Campari Soda ( Memento from January 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on January 4, 2016
  12. ^ There also literature (art catalog) relating to Fortunato – Campari
  13. Spirits Regulation EC No. 110/2008 (PDF) , chap. 1 Art. 2 No. 1 c).