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Casa paterna in Sagogn, coat of arms

Candrian refers to an old Swiss family from the canton of Graubünden with the historically verifiable name variations Gandrian, Gandrion, Gadriander, Gadandreon.

Family origin

The origin of the name is unclear, but has no connection with the Swiss town of Gandria in Ticino. In Paspels , the field name Candrian can be found for a wooden giant. The first representative of the family in Graubünden, Hans Gandrion (documented from 1461 to 1491), was Ammann and judge in the rule of Rhäzün and Landammann in the Upper Confederation in 1469, 1475–1477 and 1481. This also dates from this time Coat of arms of the Candrian in the judges' hall of the Cuort Ligia Grischa Trun. The family comes from Sagogn , Bonaduz and Duvin , where citizenship already existed before 1800. Individual branches of the family have settled in Flims , Chur , the Münstertal and Obervaz . Representatives of the sex were judges, pastors, teachers and hoteliers.

Companies and personalities


  • Adrian Collenberg: The judicial communities of the Surselva . Schwabe, Basel 2012, ISBN 978-3-7965-2798-2 , p. 1986.
  • Bündner Monatsblatt 1947, No. 11, p. 350.
  • Konrad Huber : Rätisches Namenbuch , Volume III: The personal names of Graubünden with views of the neighboring areas . Francke, Bern 1986, ISBN 3-317-01601-9 .
  • Roman Buhler. Bündner in Russ. Reich, 1991

Individual evidence

  1. Robert von Planta, ed. Andrea Schorta. Rhaetian Name Book, Volume II. Etymologies . Francke Verlag, Bern 1985, ISBN 978-3-7720-0565-7 , p. 148.