Cantaro (unit of weight)

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The cantaro was a unit of weight used in the Mediterranean , derived from the qintār and equivalent to about one hundredweight . A Spanish wine measure was also named like this.

The Cantaro piccolo , the small hundredweight, was also called "Centenajo" and had 100  libbre . The big hundredweight was the Cantaro grosso or Migliajo and had 1000 libbre. There were also Cantari with 160 and 250 Libbre.


A distinction was made between different cantari. The criterion here was the goods to be weighed.

  • Copper, brass, wax and drugstore items
    • 1 Cantaro = 100 Rottoli = 54.05 grams
  • Cotton , almonds
    • 1 Cantaro = 110 Rottoli = 59.455 grams
  • Oil, soap, butter, honey, dates
    • 1 Cantaro = 166 Rottoli = 89.723 grams
  • Iron, lead, sheep's wool
    • 1 Cantaro = 150 Rottoli = 81.075 grams
  • flax
    • 1 Cantaro = 200 Rottoli = 108.1 grams

Canea on Candia

  • 1 Cantaro = 44 okas = 100 rottoli = 56.161 grams

Papal States

  • 1 Cantaro piccolo / Centenajo = 4 Rubbia = 100 Libbre = 33.9156 kilograms
  • 1 Cantaro grosso / Migliajo = 6 Rubbia = 1000 Libbre = 339.159 kilograms


  • 1 Cantaro = 44 Okas = 176 Tscherky / Cheky = 56.161 grams (as in Canea)
  • 1 Cantaro = 45 Okas = 180 Cherky = 57.437 grams (2nd measure)


  • 1 Cantaro = 1 quintal = 4 arrobes = 104 rottoli = 41.603 grams

In daily use you use the Cantaro barbarasco :

  • 1 Cantaro barbarasco = 100 Rottoli = 1200 Oncias = 42.03 grams
  • 1 load / cargo = 3 Cantaro = 312 Rottoli


There were also two different Cantari, namely the Cantaro majorina and the Cantaro barbarasco :

  • 1 Cantaro majorina = 104 rottoli = 41.93 grams
  • 1 Cantaro barbarasco = 100 Rottoli = 41.93 grams


  • 1 Cantaro = 100 Rottoli = 3000 Once = 79.342 kilograms

The Cantaro grosso was no longer in use here:

  • 1 Cantaro gosso = 100 Rottoli grosso = 87.276 kilograms


In Sassari on Sardinia the Cantaro grosso was the heavy hundredweight and 2 Cantari gossi corresponded to 3 Cantari piccoli. A ship load corresponded to 25 Cantari in Messina or Palermo and 11 in Naples.

  • 1 Cantaro piccolo / Cantarello = 4 Rubbi = 104 Libbre
  • 1 Calpo = 10 Cantarello = 1040 Libbre
  • 1 Peso = 5 Cantari = 30 Rubbia = 750 Libbre
  • 1 Cantaro = 100 Rottoli = 150 Libbre


With 44 okas like in Constantinople and Candia and additionally

  • 1 Cantaro = 45 Okas = 100 Rottoli = 7 ½ Batmanns = 57.818 grams


In changed spelling

  • 1 Kantar = 44 Occa = 176 Littre = 56.726 grams

See also

In Spain it was a wine measure. See main article Cantaro .


  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships…. Volume 1, F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1047.
  • Leopold Carl Bleibtreu : Handbook of coin, measure and weight, and bill of exchange, government paper, banking and shares in European and non-European countries and cities. Published by J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart 1863, p. 380.
  • Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg and Leipzig 1830, pp. 35, 36, 234.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eduard Döring: Handbook of coin, exchange, measure and weight ... Verlag J. Hölscher, Koblenz 1862, p. 374.
  2. Ludolph Schleier: The commercial science. Fest'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig 1848, p. 591.
  3. ^ Eduard Döring: Handbook of coin, exchange, measure and weight ... Verlag J. Hölscher, Koblenz 1862, p. 436.
  4. Gustav Wagner, Friedrich Anton Strackerjan: Compendium of the coin, measure, weight and exchange rate relationships of all states and trading cities on earth. Teubner Publishing House, Leipzig 1855, p. 184.