Pill sedge

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Pill sedge
Pill Sedge (Carex pilulifera)

Pill Sedge ( Carex pilulifera )

Order : Sweet grass (Poales)
Family : Sourgrass family (Cyperaceae)
Genre : Sedges ( Carex )
Type : Pill sedge
Scientific name
Carex pilulifera

The pill sedge ( Carex pilulifera ) is a species of the genus of the sedges ( Carex ) within the sour grass family (Cyperaceae). It is common in Europe .


Illustration from Flora Batava , Volume 13
Eusty growth

The pill-sedge perennial herbaceous plant . It is a medium-sized sedge with a stature height of up to 50 centimeters . It forms dense, small clumps . Its grass-green, about 2 to 3 mm wide, double-folded leaves run into a characteristic long, triangular point. The red-brown leaf sheaths have red-brown nerve lines on the inside on the back, which form fibers when decomposed.

The flowering period extends from April to the end of May. The up to 2 centimeters long inflorescence is composed of a terminal male spikelet pointed at the end and two to three female spikelets below. The husks have no noticeable whitish skin edge. The tubes are densely or briefly hairy and almost spherical.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 18.


The distribution area of the pill-sedge is limited to Europe and Macaronesia . It is partially absent in the Arctic and the Mediterranean.

The pill sedge mostly colonizes fresh to moderately dry sandy and silicate grasslands , light deciduous forests, fresh forest edges, dwarf shrub heaths and grass grass. Your focus resources it has in companies of Class Nardo Callunetea. In addition, it also occurs in those of the association Epilobion angustifolii or the sub-association Luzulo-Fagenion.

In the Allgäu Alps, it rises on the Steinmandl in Vorarlberg up to 1980 m above sea level.


One can distinguish between two subspecies:

  • Carex pilulifera subsp. azorica (J.Gay) Franco & Rocha Afonso : It only occurs in the Azores.
  • Carex pilulifera subsp. pilulifera : It occurs in Europe and Madeira.


  • Eckehart J. Jäger, Klaus Werner (Ed.): Excursion flora from Germany . Founded by Werner Rothmaler. 10th edited edition. tape 4 : Vascular Plants: Critical Volume . Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich / Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-8274-1496-2 .
  • E. Foerster: Sedges, rushes, ledges and other mock grasses of grassland - a key to determining in the flowerless state. Manuscript, Kleve-Kellen March 1982.
  • Jürke Grau , Bruno P. Kremer, Bodo M. Möseler, Gerhard Rambold, Dagmar Triebel: Grasses. Sweet grasses, sour grasses, rushes and grass-like families in Europe (=  Steinbach's natural guide ). New, edit. Special edition edition. Mosaik, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-576-10702-9 .
  • Dietmar Aichele, Heinz-Werner Schwegler: Our grasses. Sweet grasses, sour grasses, rushes . 11th edition. Kosmos, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-440-07613-X .
  • Wolfram Schultze Motel: Cyperaceae. In: Wolfram Schultze-Motel (Hrsg.): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa. Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta . Founded by Gustav Hegi. 3rd, completely revised edition. Volume II. Part 1: Angiospermae: Monocotyledones 2 (Cyperaceae - Juncaceae) . Paul Parey, Berlin / Hamburg 1980, ISBN 3-489-54020-4 , pp. 189–190 (published in deliveries 1967–1980).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . With the collaboration of Angelika Schwabe and Theo Müller. 8th, heavily revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 , pp. 185 .
  2. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert : Flora of the Allgäu and its surroundings. Volume 1, IHW, Eching 2001, ISBN 3-930167-50-6 , p. 262.
  3. a b c Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Carex pilulifera. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved October 23, 2016.

Web links

Commons : Pill-Sedge ( Carex pilulifera )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files