Carl Banck

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Carl Ludwig Albert Banck (born May 27, 1809 in Magdeburg , † December 28, 1889 in Dresden ) was a German composer and music writer.


Banck was the son of Johann Carl Banck (1771–1842), who worked as organist and cathedral vicar at Magdeburg Cathedral . He studied in Berlin with Bernhard Klein , Ludwig Berger and Carl Friedrich Zelter and then in Dessau with Friedrich Schneider .

After his Grand Tour to and through Italy , he worked in Magdeburg, Berlin and Leipzig as music critics, including the New Journal of Music of Robert Schumann . Temporarily he gave singing lessons to Schumann's bride Clara Wieck . Later he went to Thuringia and married a woman from Rudolstadt . From 1840 he worked as a singing teacher in Dresden.

In 1845/46 he made a second trip to Italy.


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