Carl Gustav Talbot

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Carl Gustav Talbot (born October 3, 1829 in Aachen ; † September 21, 1899 there ) was a German wagon manufacturer.

Live and act

The son of the founder of the Talbot wagon factory , Hugo Jacob Talbot (1794–1850), and Rosa Puissant (1798–1862) from Mons , was born together with his two brothers Eduard (1817–1876) and Julius Josef (1818–1896) at an early age prepared by his parents to take over his father's company. Since Carl Gustav was still too young when his father died in 1850 and his brothers were not yet ready to take over the wagon factory, it was initially closed. It was not until five years later that the three brothers and the railway engineer Peter Herbrand decided to reopen the factory under the name Talbot & Herbrand . Following the departure of Herbrand, who now own 1866 in Cologne-Ehrenfeld , the wagon factory P. Herbrand & Cie was founded, the company's three brothers eventually received the valid to 1995 names wagon factory Talbot .

Carl Gustav Talbot was primarily responsible for the company until his death, and by including his son Georg Talbot on the management board, he ensured a smooth transition of management responsibility within the family. After completing his training as a railway engineer, he developed the Talbot self-unloader in 1891 , which was one of the economic pillars of the Talbot wagon factory for a century.

In addition to his official duties, Carl Gustav Talbot was chairman or board member or supervisory board member of several well-known companies and associations. In addition, he was a council member of the city of Aachen for many years and from 1894 to 1899 a member of the Rhenish provincial parliament .

In recognition of his services, Talbot was appointed councilor of commerce in 1890 and was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle in the fourth class (knight).

Family and Social

Carl Gustav Talbot was married to Clémence Piedbœuf (1835–1912), daughter of the industrialist Jean Pascal Piedbœuf (1813–1879), the founder of the sheet iron rolling mill Piedboeuf, Dawans & Co and the pipe mill JP Piedboeuf & Co. , both in Düsseldorf- Oberbilk and Kgl. Belgian consul in Aachen. With her he had three daughters and two sons. Talbot found his final resting place in the family crypt in Aachen's Ostfriedhof .

After Carl Gustav's death, his widow set up a foundation for the education of poor, parentless, abandoned or neglected children after completing school, as well as the foundation for the maintenance of the Marienhospiz household school in Eifelstrasse. In memory of their mother, the couple's children and children-in-law founded the Clémence Talbot Foundation with the aim of enabling poor, sick school children and those in need of relaxation to be accommodated in a rest home. Among other things, the new construction of the Maria im Tann convalescent home was financed from this fund .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ List of representatives in the Rhenish Provincial Parliament 1888–1933
  2. Death note Carl Gustav Talbot