Carl Heinrich von Große

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Carl Heinrich von Große (* December 24, 1674 in Altenhain ; † February 17, 1745 in Roitzsch ) was a royal Polish and electoral Saxon major general in the cavalry as well as a manor owner.


He came from the Upper Saxon- Meissnian noble family Große and was the third son of Junker Ulrich Große (born April 25, 1614 in Altenhain; † May 29, 1686 ibid), manor owner in Altenhain in the Grimma estate . The regimental quartermaster and later Prime Lieutenant Hans Friedrich Große (died 1701 in Poland) and Ulrich von Große (born March 4, 1666 in Altenhain; † June 6, 1734 in Roitzsch) were his brothers.

Like many nobles of the time, he embarked on a military career and rose to major general in the Electoral Saxon Army. As such he was in the service of Augustus the Strong, who was also King of Poland.

On July 19, 1741, he acquired Baron Theodor August von Hohenthal's Roitzsch estate in the Torgau office for 34,285 Meißnian guilders. At the same time he sold the Altenhain family estate that he had previously owned.

Große died on the Roitzsch manor and left behind the two sons of Rittmeister Carl Ulrich Wilhelm von Große (* February 12, 1722 in Merseburg) and Chamberlain Heinrich Carl August von Große (* October 19, 1704 in Roitzsch). The former took over the Roitzsch estate by contract in 1750. However, in 1751 he had to auction his father's debt to the public at the highest bidder and later lived in Prettin. The Roitzsch estate was acquired by the Prussian engineer Adolph Heinrich Christian von Brenckenhoff.

Carl Heinrich Großes, nephew Hans Friedrich von Große, who was enfeoffed with the Roitzsch estate, was born in 1700 and died on July 9, 1749 as a lieutenant in the district troops (3rd district regiment) and left behind the only son Carl from his marriage to Helena Dorothea Amalia, née von Langenau, in Seigersdorf Heinrich Gottlob von Große (born January 21, 1743 in Grimma, † October 21, 1760 in Dresden).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical-historical news . 85th part, Leipzig 1746, p. 409 ( online )