Carl Struck

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Carl Struck

Carl Struck (born August 31, 1832 in Wismar , † December 24, 1898 in Waren (Müritz) ) was a German teacher and naturalist in Mecklenburg.


Struck attended schools in his hometown until 1846. Prepared for the subject in 1846/47, he returned to Wismar as an assistant teacher. From 1849 to 1853 he was a private tutor in Prussia . After that he worked for three years as an assistant teacher at the high school in Malchin . After completing the seminar course in Ludwigslust from 1856 to 1858 , he came to Dargun as a teacher (1858). From there he was transferred to Waren in 1863, initially to the higher middle school, and at Easter 1869 to the Progymnasium. Because of health problems he had to give up his teaching position at the grammar school in 1896.

Struck was the curator of the Natural History Museum founded by Hermann von Maltzan in 1866 . He tirelessly and with brilliant success organized and increased the rich collections.


  • Honorary member of the Association of Friends of Natural History in Mecklenburg (1897)

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Struck, Karl (1832-1898) teacher and natural scientist (Lexikus)