Carl Thorade

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Carl Heinrich Thorade (born September 5, 1841 in Seefeld im Stadland , † July 18, 1896 in Badenweiler ) was a German banker who was involved in the liberal labor movement and in politics in the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg .


Carl Heinrich Thorade was born as the son of the Seefeld businessman Johann Friedrich Thorade (* 1801) and his wife Gesche Margarethe geb. Unken (* 1804) born. He received his school education in Oldenburg and then began a commercial apprenticeship in the grocery store of Oldenburg merchant Christian Hoyer . In November 1860 he was employed by the Oldenburgische Spar- und Leihbank , which had existed since 1845 . He quickly made his career, in 1865 he was granted power of attorney , in 1869 he became a personally liable partner and in 1871 finally director of the bank. In his function, Thorade promoted the industrialization process of the Grand Duchy in a variety of ways, for example through his credit policy, with which, among other things, promoted the Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rhederei , whose supervisory board he had been a member since 1882. On Thorade's initiative, the bank was probably the first in Germany to set up a check office for small transactions .

Thorade was also interested in politics and, as a left-wing liberal, belonged to the German Progressive Party and later to the German Liberal Party . Influenced by the ideas of the social reformer Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch , he was particularly committed to the idea of ​​giving the working class of the Grand Duchy access to education through workers' education associations. Thorade linked his commitment with the hope of enabling workers to gain social advancement and to integrate them into civil society. Furthermore, educated workers should make better use of the possibilities of universal suffrage and thus contribute to a liberal transformation of the state. In the spring of 1864 he took over the chairmanship of the previously stagnant workers' education association of the city of Oldenburg and was active in various ways in its expansion and expansion. In 1864 he founded an employment agency , in 1865 a health insurance association and in 1866 a consumer association, of which he was a member of the board of directors until 1881.

When he campaigned for striking metal workers and a reduction in working hours in 1867, he came into conflict with some employers and the press in the Grand Duchy. Out of consideration for his professional and social position, he declared, probably in connection with these disputes, his resignation from the chairmanship of the association, which he justified outwardly with overwork. At the regional and supraregional level, however, he continued to be active for the workers' education associations. From 1865 onwards, he led the annual state meetings of the Oldenburg workers' education associations, which came into being on his initiative, was co-founder of the regional association of the Oldenburg and East Frisian workers' education associations and was also one of the Oldenburg delegates at the Association Days of German Workers' Education Associations (VDAV).

When supporters of the International Workers 'Association received a majority at the fifth Nuremberg Association Day in 1868 , the Oldenburg delegates, under Thorade's leadership, split off from the association together with representatives from other associations and formed the German Workers' Union . While this split in the associations in the rest of the German Reich led to a break between the workers 'movement and bourgeois democracy, the liberal workers' movement in the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg was initially able to expand its leading position in the following years.

In Oldenburg, Thorade was involved in the founding of several trade unions from 1869, which joined the liberal Hirsch-Duncker trade unions . After the founding of the empire, the liberal workers' associations were pushed into the background in favor of the rising and politically active social democracy and ultimately became meaningless. Thorade turned to politics at this time, sat in the Oldenburg City Council and also from 1884 to 1890 in the Oldenburg State Parliament .


Thorade married Hedwig Anna born on December 4, 1870. Strackerjan (1849–1943), the daughter of the rector Karl Strackerjan (1819–1889) and his first wife Wilhelmine Helene geb. Lauw (1822-1857). The couple had four children, of which the eldest daughter Willa Thorade (1871–1962) played an important role in Oldenburg local politics and in the German women's movement .


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