Carl Wendemuth

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Carl Wendemuth (born March 27, 1885 in Erfurt ; † February 26, 1964 in East Berlin ) was a German craftsman, journalist and politician (SPD).


Wendemuth was born the son of a factory worker. He attended the seminar school in Erfurt. He then trained as a locksmith apprentice in the metal industry. Around 1905 he joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). In 1906 he attended the SPD party school in Berlin. In the following years he worked as an editor and journalist for the social democratic press in the following places: Erfurt, Sonneberg in Thuringia, Cottbus , Solingen , Düsseldorf , Chemnitz , Halle and Cottbus. In addition, he worked in the labor education system and for various adult education centers and published brochures about the lecture courses held there.

From February 1915, Wendemuth took part in the First World War. In 1919 he married. From 1919 on, Wendemuth was a city councilor and deputy chief in Cottbus. In 1920 he became a member of the Provincial Parliament of Breslau, in which he sat until 1924. Wendemuth earned his living as the chief editor of the Silesian Mountain Watch in Waldenburg .

In the Reichstag elections of May 1924 Wendemuth was a candidate of his party for the constituency 7 (Breslau) in the Reichstag voted, of which he was subsequently until June 1933rd As a parliamentarian, Wendemuth is best remembered as one of ninety-four members of parliament who voted against the passing of the Enabling Act in March 1933 , which together with the Reichstag Fire Ordinance of February 1933 formed the basis for the establishment of the National Socialist dictatorship.


  • The Orgesch in the Trap , 1921.

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