Carlo Torniamenti

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Tomb of Carlo Torniamenti and his parents in the Old Catholic Cemetery in Dresden

Carlo Torniamenti (born September 8, 1841 in Dresden , † January 19, 1864 in Montone ) was a German landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Torniamenti was born in Dresden as the son of the innkeeper Giovanni Ercole Samuele Torniamenti (1803–1890) and his wife Mathilda († 1876), who came from northern Italy. The father was the successful tenant and operator of the Café Reale on Brühl's terrace . A portrait of the father by the painter Leon Pohle is preserved in the Galerie Neue Meister . His establishment, whose specialties included the ice cream dessert Omelette surprise , was a meeting place for many distinguished guests, such as Richard Wagner , Carl Gustav Carus , Robert Schumann and Hans Christian Andersen . Carlo Torniamenti, his son, was considered a hopeful painter talent. In the years 1862/1863 he studied at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf in the landscape class of Oswald Achenbach . He then went on a study trip to Italy , on which he died in January 1864.

At the Old Catholic Cemetery in Dresden , his father, who soon retired into private life, had an elaborate tomb built for him, which shows a side profile of the deceased artist in a medallion as a relief bust. In memory of his son, his father established the Torniamenti Foundation in 1869 , which through the Dresden Art Academy awarded scholarships to artists until 1929 , for example to the sculptors Edmund Moeller and August Schreitmüller and the painters Georg Estler and Peter August Böckstiegel .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Theilmann: The student lists of the landscape classes from Schirmer to Dücker . In: Wend von Kalnein (Ed.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting . Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1979, ISBN 3-8053-0409-9 , p. 147
  2. Georg Estler , biography in the portal , accessed on June 16, 2016