Carlos Romeu

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Carlos Romeu Müller ( May 17, 1948 , Barcelona - July 24, 2021 , Madrid ), known as Romeu , was a Spanish cartoonist and author.


Romeu was the son of a Catalan father and a French mother. He broke off studying to become a commercial teacher. He also did not complete the study of applied arts , which he took up instead.

In 1972 his first comic was published in Nueva Dimensión magazine. Since then, his publications have appeared in around seventy different media. He co-founded various satire and humor magazines such as El Jueves , Mata Ratos , Nacional Show and the second season of Muchas Gracias . From 1976 he drew for El País and his Sunday magazine, as well as for the magazines Muy Interesante , Triunfo , Interviú and Playboy . He is the author of 12 comic books and two novels. Miguelito is particularly well known in Spain . The humorous drawings around this figure appeared from 1976 to 2009 in El País and from 1984 to 1997 as a series of seven book editions.

In 2013 his autobiography Ahora que aún me recuerdo de todo (o casi) was published. In it, he drew a picture sheet of Spanish history over the last few decades and recalls people such as El Perich , Manuel Vázquez Montalbán , Enrique Tierno Galván , Chumy Chúmez , Narcís Serra , Juan Luis Cebrián and Jordi Pujol . In many anecdotes, the book tells of the adversities during the transition in Spain , the transition from the Franco dictatorship to democracy, and the frequent accusations of insubordinate opinions. It also describes his poor health very directly and with black humor.

In 2015 Romeu translated into Spanish the issue number 1,178 of Charlie Hebdo , which was dedicated to the attack on the French magazine a week earlier.

Romeu was married to Isabelle Joaquinet.


La Vanguardia described him as one of the leading figures among the cartoonists who played a decisive role in the Spanish transition and who exposed themselves to various injustices.

Jacinto Antón wrote in El País that Romeu had a delicate ironic sense of humor, but was also a fighter by nature, for whom freedom of expression was sacred and who sometimes went overboard. This also caused him avoidable trouble, for example with the Israeli ambassador and the Federación de comunidades judías in Spain, who denounced Romeus' pro-Palestinian comics as anti-Semitic.

El Jueves magazine paid tribute to its co-founder in an obituary on Twitter:

«Descanse en paz Romeu, fundador de El Jueves junto a TOM y JL Martín. Nos deja un maestro del humor graphico, padre también de personajes como Betty y Miguelito. Un abrazo, compañero, allá donde estés. "

“Rest in peace Romeu, founder of El Jueves together with TOM and JL Martín . A master of graphic humor is leaving us, also father of characters like Betty and Miguelito. A hug, comrade, wherever you may be. "


Web links

Individual references and comments

  1. a b c d e f g h Jacinto Antón: Muere el dibujante Carlos Romeu, 'padre' de Miguelito. In: El País . July 24, 2021, accessed July 24, 2021 (Spanish).
  2. a b c d e f Justo Barranco: Muere a los 73 años el dibujante Carlos Romeu, fundador de 'El Jueves'. In: La Vanguardia . July 24, 2021, accessed July 25, 2021 (Spanish).
  3. Now that I still remember everything (or almost everything)
  4. CARLOS ROMEU MULLER: Trap cimiento. Obituary notice. In: La Vanguardia. July 25, 2021, accessed July 26, 2021 (Spanish).
  5. Federación de comunidades judías. In: Association website. Retrieved July 25, 2021 (Spanish).
  6. Una nueva viñeta antisemita de El País provoca las quejas de la comunidad judía. July 3, 2009, Retrieved July 25, 2021 (Spanish).