Carmen Emigholz

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Carmen Emigholz (born March 4, 1962 in Bremen ) is a Bremen politician ( SPD ) and State Councilor at the Senator for Culture of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.


education and profession

After graduating from high school, Emigholz studied law and political science at the University of Regensburg and the University of Bremen . From 1990 she worked as a freelancer for a law firm in Bremen and as a specialist in adult education.

Emigholz is married.



In 1985 Emigholz joined the SPD. In the party, she was active as Juso state chairwoman, in 1993 she moved up to the state executive committee, and in 2004 she was elected to the head of the subdistrict with the largest number of members of the SPD Bremen, the Bremen-Stadt UB. In 1997 she became a member and in 1999 a member of the federal executive committee of the SPD's cultural forum with a focus on concepts for communal cultural policy and dialogue forums with artists. Emigholz is also chairwoman of the Kulturforum Bremen. Since 2000 she has been responsible for culture on the federal board of the Social Democratic Society for Local Politics.

Advisory Board and Citizenship

From 1991 to 1995 she was on the advisory board of the Obervieland district . From 1995 to 2007 she was elected to the Bremen citizenship . Since 1996 she has been appointed spokesperson for cultural policy for her parliamentary group and from 1999 to 2007 she was spokesperson for the cultural deputation. During this time she was a member of the works committees of the music school, Bremen city library and Bremen adult education center as well as the board of directors of the Bremen theater.

State Councilor for Culture

Since 2007 she has been State Councilor at the Senator for Culture ( Senate Böhrnsen II , Senate Böhrnsen III , Senate Sieling and Senate Bovenschulte ) and thus the representative of the mayors Jens Böhrnsen , Carsten Sieling and Andreas Bovenschulte in the office of the Senator for Culture . At the beginning of her service, Emigholz restarted the previously unsuccessful reorganization process of the Bremen cultural administration and brought it to a close in 2011. Emigholz pursues a cultural policy geared towards reliability. In this context, multi-year contracts have been concluded with a number of Bremen institutions since 2007.

Further memberships and offices

  • Since 1982 Emigholz has been involved in the field of nature and environmental protection, u. a. formerly at Greenpeace .
  • She is a member of the board of directors of the Bremen Animal Welfare Association , a member of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) and a member of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB). She has also been a member of the German Schiller Society since 1985 and a board member of the Kunstverein Bremen since 1999 .
  • She has been a member of the Bremen Philharmonic since 2001 and chairwoman of the supervisory board since 2010 .
  • Since 2004 she has been on the board of trustees of the st art Jugend Kunst Stiftung Bremen and has been chairwoman there since 2007.
  • In 2009 she took over the chairmanship of the Bremen Theater Supervisory Board .
  • She is chairwoman of the foundation board of the Focke-Museum and the Übersee-Museum as well as a member of the supervisory board of the Bremen Music Festival and the Glocke Veranstaltungs GmbH .

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