The Senator for Culture

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The Senator for Culture of the City of Bremen is a Senator of Culture in charge of affairs as the highest regional authority and thus provides the Ministry of Culture of the country is Bremen. Senator for Culture in the Senate of Bremen since 2019 Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte (SPD). Carmen Emigholz (SPD) is State Councilor .


There was a senator explicitly responsible for culture for the first time in Senate Kaisen III in 1948 with a senator for regional culture . Since 1971, the field of “art” and “culture” has been permanently represented in the Senate. Mostly he was affiliated with the "Science" or "Education" department, but in the meantime also with the Senator for Internal Affairs or for youth work. An independent Senate Authority for Culture has existed since 2003 and has been subordinate to the Mayor of Bremen since 2007 .

As of 2019, the senatorial authority has around 40 employees and a budget of around € 82 million.


In addition to the management area, the office is divided into the following departments:

Offices and institutions

The following departments and companies are assigned to the Senator for Culture:

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Senatorial Authority: Employees and Household
  2. Senatorial Authority: Specialist presentations
  3. Senatorial Authority: Tasks / Organization Chart
  4. Offices / institutions

Web links